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Three Years Later

Hoseok was escorted to the visiting room, where he finds that it was Yoongi who came to visit him. He couldn't suppress the confusion on his face as since being in prison, not once had Yoongi came to visit him or communicated with him, even though he had tried.

"Didn't expect you here." He took a seat across from Yoongi, whose expression was blank.

"Didn't expect to be here either."

Hoseok stares at Yoongi even more perplexed, "what do you mean?"

"Well, I just figure I come by and let you know the good news."

"What's that?"

Yoongi smiled at Hoseok, loving the look of confusion on his face, "Seokjin is married. He is married to Jungkook, to be precise. He is the happiest I have ever seen him. I now realize that I never knew Seokjin's real laugh until now. He laughs genuinely, and he speaks a lot more now, too, something he never did when he was with you.

I used to think he was just a quiet person, that's what you used to tell me too, and I believe it. Do you know how disappointed and angry I was with myself when I discovered the truth of what you had done to him? I would have put my neck on a block for you, believing that you were innocent. But, wow, you deceived me, and you did it real good.

It's fucking sad though, you had a great life, and you fucked it up. I don't feel sorry for you. I am just happy Seokjin got out while he could. Anyway, I just wanted you to know, Seokjin found someone who is loving him the way he is meant to be loved, and they are happy together. We are all happy-"

Yoongi stopped as he saw Hoseok crying. "I don't know why I did those things to Seokjin; he didn't deserve any of it-"

"Damn right, he didn't, and isn't it fucked up how you don't know why you did it. That's so fucking sad. I don't know what you are going to do when you get out of here, but I hope you repent for your sins." Yoongi got up to leave when Hoseok reached and grabbed his hand, "please tell Seokjin I am sorry, tell him if he waits for me we can fix what we had, Jungkook is not the right person for him, I am, he knows this. I was just bad at showing him-"

Yoongi yanked his hand away, "Nah, you are fucking sick. I am not going to listen to this. How the fuck can you possibly think, you know what, this isn't even worth it. You believe you still have a chance after all the shit you have done, and that's troubling; hope they keep you in here for life."


Jin cried as the doctor's hand over his and Jungkook's daughter to them. "She's our baby." Jin said through his tears, and Jungkook hugged him, kissing his temple, "yes, she is."

He knew without a doubt that their daughter would be spoiled and loved. After six months into their marriage, Seokjin had gotten the surgery that could help him have a child, but nothing happened even a year after trying. They attempted in-vitro, but that failed several times.

It broke Jin's heart that he couldn't give his husband a child, and no matter the reassurance from Jungkook, it didn't make him feel any better until Jungkook suggested for them to go with a surrogate.

Jungkook got some help to find a surrogate; they kept their identities hidden and did everything through a private agency. Using Jin's egg and his sperm, they had the surrogate carry their daughter, who they were now holding in their arms.

"Our family is now complete," Jungkook says to Jin while staring down at their daughter, who was sleeping peacefully in her father's arms.

"I-it is." Jin agreed, still in disbelief he was holding a baby, their baby in his arms. He was thankful to the person who allowed him the chance to be a parent, and he would never stop being thankful to them and his husband, who forever remained patient with him.

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