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Jin hugged the toilet bowl as he vomited up blood, with tears running down his face.

"You need to get up and go to Dr. Lane; I won't have you playing sick around here," Hoseok says, walking into the bathroom and using his feet to poke Jin's side, making his grip tightened on the toilet bowl as pain surge through his body.

"You did this to me," Jin mumbles and wiped the blood away from his mouth as he tried to stand up, but a kick to his stomach makes him fall and hit his head against the toilet bowl. He fell back onto the floor and blanked out.

Hoseok eyes widen in panic as he steps over Jin calling his name but got no answer.

"fuck, fuck! Jin baby, answer me, please answer me." Hoseok bends down and picks up Jin's head in his lap, rubbing his hand through Jin's hair to see if there was any blood, but all he had seen was a bump on the side of his head, making him breathe out a sigh of relief.

He doesn't know how he would live with himself had something happened to Jin. Getting off the floor, he picked up Jin and brought him to their bedroom, putting him to lay down, and then he left to the kitchen to get ice. He was sure within a few hours Jin would wake up, and then he would take him to Dr. Lane to get him checked up and snitches if needed.

After getting the ice, he placed it on Jin's head, and he laid in the bed with Jin, hugging his body tightly next to his, checking Jin's breathing, making sure he was still breathing before he fell asleep.


Jin woke up with a painful headache and Hoseok hugging his body tightly, he tried pulling away, but his weak energy and his headache made him dizzy, so he stayed still and let the tears fall. He looked over at the clock with his blurry eyes to see the time; he was shocked to realize it was late in the evening.

"Hoseok, Hoseok." Jin tapped Hoseok arms as he tried waking him up.

Hoseok jumped out of his sleep and looked at Jin, "baby, you are awake. You made me worried, how are you feeling, how is your head?" he rested his hand over Jin's head checking to see if he was okay.

Jin stared at his fiancé in disbelief as he tried sitting up, winching in pain as his stomach pained him.

"I-I am fine."

"No, you are not. I am sorry about earlier; I shouldn't have hit you, I am really sorry baby, I promise you I will stop doing that, you don't deserve to have this happen to you. I don't know why I did that this morning. I-" Hoseok started crying as he looked at Jin, "I-I am sorry, baby, please don't leave me."

Jin turned to face Hoseok, "You say the same thing every time, y-yet look at me."

"I know, I know and I am sorry, but you must admit you caused it this morning, you know how I feel about you and other men, and you brought up Taehyung, why would you do that?"

"Hoseok, I didn't bring up Taehyung you did, I asked a questioned, and you almost killed me."

Hoseok rests his hands on Jin's thigh, "baby, don't say I almost killed you, I would never, expect if you ever decide to leave me, then that would be a different story. I will rather see you dead than with someone else, and I am by no means threatening you, but simply being honest."

Jin's chest began hurting him as he felt Hoseok hand move up his inner thigh, he swallowed the lump in his throat and closed his legs. "I am sorry I should've never brought him up,  and I have no plans to leave you, Hoseok."

"Of course not, you are smart guy, it's one of the reasons why I chose you to marry. Now, get your sexy ass out of bed and let's get you over to the doctor, I can't have you taking weeks to recover, you know how I feel about us not having sex for a long time."

Jin watched as Hoseok got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. He looked towards his phone on the bedside table, wondering for a moment if it was wise to call the cops, but after thinking about how his life would be seen in front of everyone, he decided against it and struggled out of bed, crying out in pain.


As Hoseok pulled up to the doctor, Jin's heart was beating fast. He was worried about what was about to happen as he never told Hoseok that Dr. Lane was no longer around.

Hoseok phone rang, surprising Jin, "What's up, Joon? Now?.... Shit, fine, I will be there."

He turned and looked at Jin, "sorry babe, Namjoon called, something serious came up with our album. I wanted to see Dr. Lane with you, but-"

"It's fine, please go your album is important."

"Are you sure, baby?" Hoseok leaned in and kissed Jin.

"I am sure," Jin whispered with a smile and kissed him back.

Grabbing his face mask, Jin covered his face and placed the hoodie, along with his scarf over his head, as he took his time and entered the hospital.

"Here to see Dr. Jeon," Jin said as he walked up to the counter and flashing his ID.

The receptionist's eyes widen, and she jumped up, "of course, I will let him know."

After waiting for an hour in the room that the nurse had checked him in, Jin was about to leave when Dr. Jeon walked in. He had never waited this long to be seen when Dr. Lane was around.

"Kim Seokjin, what brings you in today? You know I don't see anyone without an appointment in the evenings?" Jungkook asked, but dropped his laptop onto the floor when Jin removed the mask and scarf from around his face. 

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