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"W-what do you mean?" Jin's eyes strayed everywhere but at Jimin. He felt like there was a ball in his throat, his skin was cold, and the nerve in his stomach made him feel like he needed to puke.

Jimin did not miss anything; he had seen how pale Jin had gotten by his question; he appeared more nervous than when he had entered his home.

"Jin, you can tell me if he did. You don't have to lie to me. I don't believe the stories he is telling the world about you, and I find it hard to believe that he was suffering in the relationship between the two of you. Yet, he is out there daily doing interviews about it while you are locked up in your home, shutting yourself off from the world with triple locks on your door. It does not make sense to me. I have seen you around Hoseok, you are not someone who cheats, and you look terrified from where I sit right now. So tell me, what did he do?"

Tears started forming in Jin's eyes, and he shook his head, "h-he did nothing. I-I think I need to rest, c-can you come back another day?"

Jin got up from the chair, with trembling hands, he pushed the chair back into its place while keeping his head down from looking at Jimin. He didn't want to talk about what he had endured with Hoseok. If Hoseok wanted the world to see him as a bad person, then let it be. It was a lot better than having the world look at him with pity and calling him an idiot for sticking around with Hoseok for so long.

Most days, that is how he felt; he felt stupid for staying and having parts of him that could never be repaired destroyed by a man he strongly believes loved him.

Jimin got up and walked over to Jin. As he tries to place his hand onto Jin's, Jin jumps back in panic. "I am sorry, I didn't see you move." he apologized almost immediately, witnessing the shocking look on Jimin's face.

He saw how Jimin tilted his head and stared at him, "I have been home alone, so you know I was a bit startled just now, sorry if I caused you to be shocked. I need to get some rest, I appreciate you coming by Jimin, but I think you should go now."

Jimin took a deep breath and nodded his head while staring at Jin, "Okay, understood, but can I ask you one question?"

Chewing on the inside of his lip, Jin lifts his head and looks at Jimin, "s-sure?" he didn't know what question Jimin had, but figured the faster he answered it, the quicker Jimin would leave. He should have known it was a bad idea having him over.

"If the situation was reversed and this was Namjoon and I. Namjoon were doing what Hoseok is doing, and I locked in my home like you are right now. Would you leave me alone because I ask you to, especially when I appear as if I am crumbling right before your eyes? Would you leave me alone to suffer, knowing the entire nation has turned their back on me?"

Jin's eyes widen at Jimin's question; he had not been prepared for a question like that from Jimin. He didn't know what Jimin question was going to be to him, but he certainly did not anticipate such a question.

"Jimin, this is complicated-"

"I want you to answer my question, Jin, would you leave me alone to suffer?" Jimin didn't want anything else but the answer to his question.

"N-no, I wouldn't," Jin whispered while looking down at his feet.

Jimin smiled at his response, "then why are you expecting me to do what you wouldn't do?"

"I don't know, maybe because it's harrowing to let anyone in right now." The tears that had earlier formed in his eyes had now made its way down his cheeks. Crying wasn't new for him; he had done it every day, but crying in front of someone he had always smiled around made him feel like he had finally crumbled.

"Is it okay if I give you a hug?" Jimin questioned with a strain in his voice; he was close to crying just watching Jin. It was very apparent that the man before him is hurting. He didn't know the entire story, but from where he stood, it was confirmed that Hoseok was not the innocent person he was playing himself to the world to be.

However, he didn't understand why Jin was allowing him to play the victim, while he, the real victim, was hiding out in his home.

As he had this thought, only one thing came to his mind: Jin had to be afraid of Hoseok.


Jungkook's blood boiled as he caught sight of the interview that was on the T.V. He wishes he could scream to the entire world that Jung Hoseok was nothing but a liar. However, Seokjin did not want that, and he had to respect that.

"Thank you." he acknowledges to the cashier who placed his to-go order on the counter in a brown bag. Grabbing it, he walked out of the restaurant and headed towards his car.

He was thankful that he got into his car before it started raining. Getting himself soak and the bag with the food wet would not have been good for him. Usually, he had food delivered to Jin. But, today, he wanted to try stopping by himself to check on him and see if maybe he was okay with them having a meal together.

After seeing some of the interviews Hoseok had done, he was hoping Jin hadn't watched it. As nothing could be more painful than watching your abuser play as the victim to everyone else.


"Have you spoken to Jin?" Taehyung asks Yoongi as they sat at the bar, having a drink together. It had been a while since the two friends had met up, due to their hectic schedules, mainly Taehyung's.

Yoongi shook his head, "not really, I sent a text, but you know with him cheating on Hoseok and shit, I can't be talking to him like that. Hoseok is taking this shit hard, and I don't think I have ever seen him like this. He loves Jin, and even though Jin cheated, I think if Jin were to ask for him to come back to him tomorrow, he would go, he is going crazy without him." Yoongi felt sad for his best friend; he thought Jin and Hoseok were the perfect couples, but now he realizes perfect does not exist, and it's always the handsome ones that bring you the most pain.

Hence why being single and available is the better way to go in life. He had no plans on getting tied down by one person, then for them to turn around and do this type of shit to him.

"You believe Jin cheated? I know you are closer to the two of them, but I don't believe it-"

"What the fuck you mean you don't believe it? You think Hoseok is lying?" Yoongi couldn't believe the stupid shit he was hearing.

"I don't believe it, and I think he is lying. I have done many projects with Jin, he does not strike me as someone who cheats, and that's my gut feeling. I think something did go wrong in their marriage, but I am not sure if Jin is the one who is to blame for it. Further, Hoseok story doesn't add up. I spoke to Jin after they got married; when I told him about the movie opportunity, he specifically told me he wished it had come about before he got married. However, he can't do it as Hoseok wants them to settle down and focus on having a family.

He did not say he didn't want to do it, he said, 'I can't ' do it. Meaning he was told he could not do it, and even if he wanted to, he had to say no."

"That's bullshit, Hoseok told me that Jin wanted to take a break from acting."

"Did Jin tell you that with his mouth?" Taehyung questioned while staring at Yoongi.

Yoongi stared at his friend and began scratching his head, "Umm, well, no, but-"

"Then it means you don't know the full truth about their relationship, only the two of them know the truth, and because of this, I don't think you should take sides just because Hoseok is your friend. And even if Jin cheated, maybe he had a reason, you don't know, let's not judge him so easily. This world is already hard; let us not make it harder for him without knowing the full truth."

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