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"Did you take care of it," Hoseok asked Jin as soon as he got into the house and saw Jin making himself tea.

"Y-yeah, it's taken care of." Jin smiled at Hoseok and resumed what he was doing. He was in a lot of pain and needed to be resting in bed, but he couldn't do that. He had to study his lines for an upcoming commercial his manager had forwarded to him, which he found out he would be doing with Taehyung.

"Good." Jin flinched when he felt Hoseok wrapped his arms around him, kissing his neck. "You make me so happy, do you know that? How is Dr.Lane doing, did she question you on anything?"

Jin's heart began beating fast; he knew if Hoseok knew he saw a male doctor, he would lose his shit. "S-she is fine and no, no problem at all. Everything was fine." Jin turned around in Hoseok arms, smiling at him.

"I figured she is the best. Listen, I know this must be hard for you, and I plan on us having kids one day, but I don't want you to be known as the guy who got knocked up and has your career ended. You know how people are, they will talk and then before you know it, you are shamed and kicked to the side. After we get married, maybe then we can think about having kids, okay?" Hoseok kisses Jin's forehead and hugs him tightly.

Jin held back his tears and hugged Hoseok. "I-I think I want to go back on the pills, and I can't keep doing t-"

"I told you I would wear condoms; there is no need for you to be on any pills. I don't like you being on birth control." Hoseok removed his arms from around Jin and looked at him.

"I don't like doing these things, Hoseok. The a-abortions, it is too much. I don't understand why you are so against me going on birth control. It's my body I sh-"

Jin screamed out as Hoseok slapped him across his face. "Don't get fucking smart with me! I said I would wear condoms. Why the fuck are you adamant on going on birth controls are you sleeping with someone else?"

Jin cupped his cheek and looked at Hoseok, confuse, "of course I am not, why would even think that? I am just so tired, I am tired of doing this." tears streamed out Jin's face as he expressed his hate for the abortions he was doing.

"So now you are tired of me?" Hoseok eyes turned dark, and he swings his hand to hit Jin, who dodges and screams.

"NO! I never said that. Please, please listen to me, I am tired of getting abortions, not you, I love you, you know that." Jin tried reassuring his fiance, holding his hand up in defense.

"You love me, yet you are still going through with acting with Taehyung? You like him, don't you? Yoongi told me how much he brags about kissing you, is he the reason why you are not acting like you are in charge, you want to tell me what you want to do and not listen to me anymore?"

"Baby, what are you talking about? I don't see Taehyung like that. He is a co-worker, nothing more. I love you, not him, please believe me. I can't stop our show; I signed a contract. I am sorry if I did anything to make you think that. I won't go on birth control if you don't want me to, if you say we will use condoms, I will trust you." Jin took his time and walked towards Hoseok, hugging him, pleading internally that Hoseok would listen to him. He had been through a lot today.

From meeting with the new doctor, being questioned, and having the abortion, his energy was low. He still had a script to review, even though he was tired. He had work the next day as he couldn't delay his work, and if Hoseok continued being mad at him, he knew he would have to skip out on work.

Hoseok wraps his arms around Jin and crushes his body to his. "If you ever think you can leave me for someone else, I will kill you, and this is not a threat Seokjin, but a promise. I don't like you working with Taehyung, and I hope after this show is done, you don't ever accept any more work with him."

"I won't ever leave you; I promise," Jin whispered in tears, resting his chest against Hoseok shoulder. His stomach was hurting him, and his body was feeling weak. He didn't want to fight today.

"You would be crazy if you did. We make a perfect couple, everyone loves us together, and I love you very much." Hoseok whispers to Jin and rests his head on Jins. "I am going out tonight, by the way, so you will get some time to rest. I know you are probably tired after your doctor's visit. So, you don't have to worry about cooking anything; I will eat while I am out, and you order yourself something to eat, or if you want, I can make you something?"

"No, I am okay. I will have a sandwich." Jin responded, trying to pull away from their hug.

"Have a salad, you are gaining weight, and it doesn't look good on you." Hoseok stared into Jin's eyes, making sure Jin knew he was serious.



"Wow! Look at you, damn who would've known you would grow up to be this muscular guy, Nah, you on steroids, aren't you?" Hoseok says as he sat down with Jungkook, Yoongi, and Namjoon.

Jungkook chuckled, "Steriods? Hell no, it's all credit to the gym."

"I thought the same thing when I saw him recently too. We need to start working out Hoseok." Yoongi commented, laughing.

"Definitely. So, what's up Jungkook, why you back in Korea, States got boring?"

"No, actually, I loved living there, it's just I got an opportunity to lead a practice here and thought it would be good to come back home for a while. Life has been good otherwise, though. But, how have you guys been, I heard y'all are famous and shit."

Everyone burst out laughing. "Just trying to live the dream. I am married, working on my music, and looking forward to starting a family soon." Namjoon said, taking a drink of his beer.

"Hoseok is engaged and leading the charts right now with his music. Yoongi, I guess, is single depending on the day of the week, but he is killing it out here being the best producer in the industry right now. What about you, you married, engaged, dating anyone?"

Jungkook took a drink of his ice tea and smiled at the guys around the table. "wow, everyone's been doing well, who would've known y'all would be famous. I remember when you used to write lyrics nonstop in school, Namjoon. It's amazing to see you put your talent to good works now. As for me, I am just a single doctor trying to enjoy life one step at a time."

"Yo, being single is the best, isn't it?" Yoongi puts up his hand to hi-five Jungkook. Jungkook laughs and returns the hi-five. "It is, but it's boring too."

"Not when you got connections," Yoongi smirks and winks making everyone laugh.

"I don't know how y'all do it. I try to stay faithful." Hoseok commented.

"Well, if I had a man like Jin, I would too." Yoongi snorted, earning a pound from Namjoon.

"Last weekend, he slipped up, though," Namjoon responded to Yoongi, making him laugh as hey recalled the bachelor party they went to.

"Don't pay them any attention; they are talking about my fiance; he is perfect. I will make sure to invite you to our wedding."

"Jungkook should know him; he comes in a lot of movies." Namjoon states with a smile.

"Probably not, I am not a t.v. Person. I spend most of my time in the gym and at work, don't have time for anything else."

"oh, okay, I see, that's cool. I see you don't drink either?" Hoseok took note that Jungkook had only been drinking water and ice tea since they had arrived.

"Sometimes I will have a drink, but it's not my thing. Plus, I have work tomorrow."

"Just admit you are still a good guy," Yoongi said, making everyone laugh.

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