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"What happened to you?" Jungkook hurried over to Jin, with his eyes wide. He was in complete shock to see how badly Jin's face was bruised up. There was a fresh scar across Jin's cheek, with bloodstains on his cheek.

Jin looked at the doctor and then down at the floor, he didn't like the way he was looking at him, it was as if he felt pity towards him. "I got into an accident," he whispered while keeping his eyes on the floor.

"An accident?" Jungkook asked immediately, not believing Jin's words.

Jin looked up at him, wincing in pain as he tried shifting on the bed. His stomach was hurting him the most comparing to anywhere else on the bed.

"Yes, an accident. Can you prescribe me some pain medicine and clean up my cuts please, so I can go?" he looked at Jungkook expectantly, waiting for him to respond. Its what his previous doctor did for him.

Jungkook stepped back, looking Jin up and down, still in shock over the state he was in. "I can't do that. I am the doctor here, not you. I need to check out your wounds-"

"Why? they are my scars, and it's my body, shouldn't you do what I ask?"

Raising his eyebrow, Jungkook took a seat and sighed, "I am hoping you had this same type of strength for the person who did this to you."

"W-what are you talking about? I t-told you I was in an accident."

"Yeah, and I bought my degree online. Listen here Seokjin, I am not sure what kind of favors the doctor before me was doing for you, but please be aware I am not that kind of doctor. I know the difference between someone who was in an "accident" versus someone who is being abused. Something you fit the criteria very well for."

Jin didn't like hearing what Jungkook had to say, so he got down from the bed, deciding he was going to leave. "it's clear you are not the doctor I should be seeing."

"Maybe not, but I can help you if you are honest with me."

Jin turned and looked at him, "you can't help me. What I need is for you to bandage me up, give me painkillers, and let me go my way, is that so hard for you to do?"

Jungkook stood up and walked over to his patient, "that's very hard for me to do. Abuse is something I cannot turn a blind eye to-"

"Do you have any idea who I am? Do you even know how much I have donated to keep this hospital open? You are only trying to pry into my life so you can feed it to the press." Jin said, snapping at Jungkook.

"Who you are, does not matter to me. Neither your donations. What matters is getting you back in the right health, but I cannot do that if you are not honest, and you are being like this. I am not here to cause you harm, I am not trying to sell anything to the press either, I am only trying to help you." Jungkook told Jin with sincerity.

"Y-you are not, I-I mean you won't inform the press?"

"No, I won't."

Jungkook looked at Jin, knowing he was dealing with an abused patient. He also realizes that Jin was someone of status, and that mattered to him. Something he had learned during his medical career, especially after studying in the U.S. and working under their laws, he knew the first thing that came to anyone's mind when they suspect domestic abuse with one of their patients is to report it. No one wanted to live with the guilt of seeing someone abused and not doing anything about it, then having something happen to that person.

But, he also knew that once reported it could backfire as it could prevent them from seeking care because they might think every time they want care, it's going to be reported, so they stay home and endure the abuse, rather than seeking help.

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