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Two months later

"At what point in your relationship did you find out that Seokjin was cheating on you?" the interviewer asked an emotional Hoseok.

Hoseok wiped his eyes and leaned back in the chair he was sitting on, his eyes glance around to the cameras surrounding him, and he took a deep breath, "I-I think I knew before we got married, but I was in denial. Sometimes being so in love can do that to you. I remember nights where he wouldn't come home, or if I tried looking at his phone, he would become upset and pull it from me. On the day of our wedding, I asked him if he was confident if this was something he wanted, and he told from the bottom of his heart, he never wanted anything more.

I believed him, and I put my trust in his words and my love for him. I got us a home away from the noise and distraction as I was a man in love, determined to make our marriage work. And after we got married, I thought it would too, we had created plans, plans to have kids, but unfortunately, that didn't work out, because he-" Hoseok burst out into tears and gripped on the handle of the chair as he tried getting a grip on his emotions. "I-I am so sorry; I thought I could do this."

The interviewer reached over and placed her hand on Hoseok's hand, "please, take your time, we can take a break if you would like?"

Hoseok nodded his head, "y-yes, please, I would appreciate that very much; this is hard, you know."


Jin couldn't believe that Hoseok would've been so evil to convince everyone that he was the bad guy, lying to them that he had cheated with his close friend, Jeon Jungkook.

Every week Hoseok was on a new show sharing his heartbreak and begging for Jin to return his call or see him and portraying himself as a victim who wanted to work things out. And that he would forgive Jin for destroying their marriage as their love was stronger than any obstacles.

He could no longer leave his home as he was being bashed, the things people were posting about him online, were hurtful and insulting, something he didn't deserve. Out of everyone, he knew only three people tried reaching out to him, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. But all three he was hesitant to talk to or being around.

When it came to Jungkook, he didn't want the rumors to spread any more than they had for people to think he had cheated in Hoseok, so he tried hard to avoid him, even though every day he got a meal delivered to his home from him. Jungkook had tried getting Jin to speak out about the truth, but he didn't want to, so not wanting to force him, Jungkook took to sending Jin a meal a day, reminding that though he might be suffering he shouldn't ever give up.

Jimin didn't believe the story he was hearing; it had caused a big fight between him and Namjoon to the point where he kicked him out of their home for a week until Namjoon had to humble himself and apologize for his ignorance and choosing sides when he didn't know the full story. After months of trying, he was happy Jin had finally agreed to meet with him. He wanted Jin to know, he wasn't thinking and following the thoughts of everyone else.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was only reaching out to let Jin know to stay healthy and hurry up and return to acting as there was a lead role waiting for him, one he wasn't going to do unless Jin was doing it. Jin knew he couldn't do, not with everything that was going on, but Taehyung kept being persistent, and the producers who couldn't afford to lose Taehyung for the role as he had been very adamant he would not do the role without Jin.

He was another person who found Hoseok story hard to believe, he had seen how Jin looked at Hoseok, and for a person who had done numerous projects with Jin, he didn't strike him as a cheater. He immersed himself into his roles and did an excellent job, but once the director yelled cut, he was to himself, never giving anyone attention. If Taehyung was, to be honest, he struck him as someone who was being abused at times, but he didn't push or say things as people could take offense to his thought process at times.

When Jin heard the ringing of his doorbell he jumped, but quickly pulled himself together, remembering it was either Jimin or food being delivered. He had a fear each time he heard the doorbell thinking Hoseok would one day show up.

Looking through the monitor at the door, he verified it was Jimin, opening the door slightly, poking his head out, and made sure it was Jimin alone.

"Hey there." Jimin said in a soft voice as he smiled at Jin, "I brought us food."

Jin gave a faint smile and opened the door wide for Jimin to enter, once Jimin did, he closed the door.

Jimin's eyes gawked over the door in surprise as he witnesses Jin bolt several locks onto the door and turned the main lock.

"That's a lot of locks."

Jin turned to face him, "y-yeah. Umm, let's go to the kitchen." he didn't make eye contact with Jimin and walked past him towards the kitchen.

Jimin eyed the door once more before he followed behind Jin.


"I am happy you finally decided to see me. I have been worried about you."

"Have you? Sorry for worrying you. I have been doing well, trying to adjust to this new life of being, you know, without Hoseok, but it's coming along." Jin's played around with the food in front of him with the chopsticks he had.

Jimin was watching him intently, "what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Between you and Hoseok?"

Jin looked up at Jimin and smiled, "he has been telling the nation what happened, don't you keep up with the news anymore?"

"I know what he is telling everyone, but I prefer Seokjin's version, I have known you for some time now. Cheating does not sound fitting for someone who only had eyes for one person. You never went anywhere without Hoseok unless it was for work, even when I invited you shopping or to personal events you never came unless he was there. So I find myself wondering how someone who was so caught up in being in love could cheat. I don't believe it, and until you confirm it, I won't believe it."

Jin closed his eyes and released his hold on the chopsticks, "It's complicated. I guess I am not what I appeared to be or who you thought I was."

"Is it complicated? Because here is what I think, I think Hoseok fucked up, and I think you are taking the blame for whatever he did while he is prancing around out there like a victim to the entire world, and it disgusts me. I can't figure out what he would do that would make you so afraid to speak out about your truth." Jimin watched as Jin's hand began trembling while he attempted to pick up the chopsticks, "h-he did n-nothing."

Suddenly the locks on the door the way Jin would cling to Hoseok and apologize he if he said something out of line when the four of them hung out, how he was currently trembling, everything started swirling in Jimin's mind, "he hit you didn't he?"

Jimin didn't need much more of an answer than the dish falling from the table as Jin's hand gripped onto the tablecloth, and their eyes met. 

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