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Seven months later

"You and Jin are invited next weekend over my place for dinner. As I'm tired of Jimin whining about not seeing him in a long time." Namjoon declares to Hoseok. Since he and Jin had gotten married and moved into their new home, people hardly saw a lot of Jin, unless it was at an outing with the two caught on camera.

Yoongi, who was enjoying the massaged chair he was relaxing in, sat up and stared at his two friends, "I'm coming too. I haven't seen Jin in a while either. I still can't believe he is turning down the lead role for that movie. I thought he was perfect for it. Everyone voted him as the best actor for the role too. He and Taehyung have such strong chemistry; this would be their all-time career hit. Hoseok, can't you convince him like I think he is making a big mistake?"

Hoseok sighed and leaned his head back against the chair, "We will come to dinner. Tell Jimin he doesn't need to worry. Yoongi I can't believe it either, I have been trying to convince him, but he's hell-bent on us starting a family. I even had his manager call and talk with him, but he says not right now, he doesn't want to take on much."

"Jimin is on the same thing now so that I can understand. You and Jin still haven't had any luck getting pregnant?" Namjoon questioned, knowing the couple had been trying since a month into their marriage.

"Sadly, no, and I think it's bothering him. I have meant to connect with Jungkook, considering he's a mutual friend, I figure maybe he could help us out-"

"You don't think you or Jin is infertile, do you?"

Hoseok stares at Yoongi and chuckles, "hell no, I don't think that. I believe everything will happen in its time, though. When we are meant to have a child, we will. It took Joon and Jimin a while to get pregnant, but look at them now, already awaiting their bundle of joy."

"True, true. Stress can cause issues too, that was an issue for Jimin, and after he took a break and we started to do more relaxing couple techniques, it helped a whole lot. I suggest you don't fight it, allow it to happen on its own time. In the meantime, just enjoy each other and have as much sex as you want, I swear that's one of the best parts of trying for a baby." Namjoon says, making them laugh out loud.

Hoseok couldn't agree with him anymore, having a lot of sex was definitely something he had been doing as he and Jin tried for a baby.


The nervous and unsettled feeling kicked in, in Jin's stomach as he examined the pregnancy tests he had taken. They were all negative, similar to the ones he had been taking over the last couple of months.

Biting into his lower lip, he stared at himself in the mirror; the makeup he had on his face was now fading away, making the black bruise over his eye more apparent than it was earlier in the day.

Taking a deep breath, he places all the tests he had taken, leaving them in the basket Hoseok had told him to keep them in. As he usually looked at them before discarding them.

Once he was done, he reapplies his makeup and gathers himself, leaving the bathroom to prepare dinner.

Marrying Hoseok had completely changed his life, far more than it had been before. He was no longer able to select the projects he wanted; those were now all chosen by Hoseok, which weren't many.

Most time, it was a photo shoot or doing a commercial. He wasn't allowed to act anymore, Hoseok made that very clear to him, and if he was ever going to act, he shouldn't be playing the role of a love interest.

Every day more and more Jin blames himself for not leaving Hoseok when he had the chance.

He was suffering greatly, and he didn't have an outlet. He couldn't tell anyone around him anything, not when they saw him and Hoseok as the perfect pair.

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