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Six Months Later

Jin took a deep breath, not knowing if his decision was a good one, but it was something he needed. Moving on was hard; it was easy for everyone around him to say it, but the most challenging thing for him to do.

The second sounding of the doorbell made him jolt in surprise once more. With shaking hands, he pulls the door open. His entire body goes weak, seeing Hoseok before him, every moment, every memory came rushing back to him, and he goes numb.

"Baby, did you miss me?" Hoseok stepped into Jin's home and closed the door.

When Jin doesn't utter a word, he wraps his arms around Jin, hugging him tightly. "I missed you so fucking much! You don't understand how happy I was when you called. Life has not been the same without you, Jin; you miss me too, didn't you?"

His question was left unanswered as Jin stayed stiff in his arms, trying to remember what it was like to breathe. Now that Hoseok was in his home, he realizes he had made a ridiculous decision. He thought it was a great idea before, but now he was unsure about it.

Hoseok pulled away and stared at Jin, "are you afraid of me, baby?"

With another question unanswered, he lifts his hand to touch Jin's face causing Jin to flinch and step back. "P-please don't touch me."

"You are still scared of me, aren't you?" Hoseok rests his hands on his hips and sighs out loudly, "I am sorry, baby. I know you know I love you, I love you when we were together, and I love you now. I wasn't the best at showing you my love, and my anger always got the best of me. I never wanted to hit you as many times as I did, but sometimes you got me so angry, and I couldn't always control that anger. You understand that, don't you? If you didn't anger me, a lot of what happened wouldn't have happened, and we would still be together."

Jin took a step back and spoke with a shaky voice, "Y-you raped me, Hoseok. Not once, but over and over. Y-you forced me to get abortions; you cause me to lose our baby. How can you say you love me?"

Hoseok was silent for a moment as he stared at Jin, watching the tears run down his face. "You made me angry, Seokjin. None of those things would have happened had you not made me angry. You flirted with men, and you took to roles you knew I would not like you to do. You didn't listen to me. Do you know how frustrating that was for me? I know getting so many abortions bothered you, but baby, it's not the end of the world. We can have as many kids as you like if you give us another chance. I will even let the media know you have apologized for cheating, and we have decided to work this out. I promise to control my anger and not hit you anymore. I will be a better man for us. I love you, Seokjin, and everything I have ever done is because I love you; you just don't see it, but don't doubt my love for you.

I am the only man that will ever love you. No one will love you as I do. Think about it you are much better off with me; no one else will want you either. No one wants damaged goods. Only I want you because I love you, don't you see?"

Hoseok words pained Seokjin's heart, making him cry even more. "I-I never cheated-"

"No, you did not, but right now, everyone believes you did, and for me to take you back, we have to show them that you apologized for cheating. If you want us happy again, Seokjin, you will have to play along. Had it not been for you, we wouldn't be in this situation either. I can't fucking believe you filed for a divorce too. I am still at a loss with that one. Given everything I have done for us, I never thought you would throw everything away like that. But it's okay; I knew you would come back, where else would you go? I am the only one who wants you, and you know it."

Jin tried his best to stay strong in front of Hoseok even after hearing those words, but it became increasingly harder for him. It was as though his memories were suffocating him upon seeing Hoseok.

"I-I want us back, and I will lie, and I say I cheated, b-but only if you apologize to me for e-everything you did. I love you, Hoseok, and I want us to work, I do. I don't want anyone else, just you, but I want my heart to be healed; I want to know you won't do what you did before to me again."

Hoseok moved towards Jin, and Jin took a step back, "If this is what it will take to have you back, then fine. I am sorry for raping you and hitting you whenever I got angry. I shouldn't have forced you to take drugs with me. I am working on being a better person. The Hoseok you were with is not the same Hoseok I am right now; I am doing better, only missing you more than ever. I will try to control my anger in the future as long as you don't anger me, Seokjin. For this to work, you have to take accountability for your actions too, you can't go back into any roles I disapprove of. I don't want you doing anything that I don't like. I promise you if you can listen, there won't be any issues in our relationship. Now, come here, it's been a while since I have had a taste of you, do you know how hard that's been for me?" He reaches out to grab Jin's hand, but he becomes shocked as Jungkook pulls Jin away and Namjoon launches at him.

"You fucker! I fucking believed you!" Namjoon screamed at him, punching him nonstop even as his husband Jimin, tried pulling him away.

Jin was shaking in Jungkook arms, "you did well, you did amazing. I am so proud of you. That was scary, but you did so well." Jungkook hugged him tightly against his chest, resting his chin on his head as Jin cried into his arms.

When Hoseok finally got the chance to stand up after Taehyung and Yoongi intervened, pulling Namjoon off him. He stared in shock at everyone in the room while wiping his bloody nose. "Y-you set me up?" He lets out, looking in Jin's direction.

"No, he is letting the world know the truth, you fucking psycho!" Yoongi yells, throwing a punch at him. He was sick to his stomach, hearing his best friend's confession. He and Namjoon had never felt so disappointed and disgusted.

"Yoongi, Namjoon, listen-"

"Shut the fuck up! I want nothing more than for you to rot in jail. I can't believe I opened my house up to you. I listened to you and gave you my shoulder when you cried. I saw that man as a monster when the real monster was you. How the fuck could you do all those things, Hoseok?" Namjoon was in disbelief; he was struggling; he has gotten into many arguments with his husband, trying to defend Hoseok, and now to find out his husband was right all this time. He owed both Jin and Jimin a big apology.

Yoongi didn't hesitate to call the cops. He couldn't stand looking at Hoseok any longer; he wanted him to suffer for what he had done. No human shoulder ever do what he had done to Seokjin. It wasn't right.

"Ahh, and before you try denying anything, know we recorded everything," Taehyung says with a smirk.

Jungkook leads Jin out of the room, not wanting him exposed to any more chaos; he knew everyone would take care of the situation.

Bringing Jin to his room, he made him sit on the bed, "how are you feeling?"

"Scared," Jin told him honestly.

Jungkook kneels, resting his hand on Jin's, "what you did today was filled with so much bravery. I know it might seem scary, but you were so brave, and I want you to know that."

Moving his hand up to Jin's face, he wiped away his tears, "I hope you didn't believe any of those words he said. You are a beautiful person inside and out. Anyone in this world would be lucky to have you. You are not damaged goods; that's what he is. He is unhappy with himself, and he wants you to be too. A man like that is very weak, and because he knows it, he is trying to make you weaker so you can become insecure and believe all those things, but none of it is true." 

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