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"Y-yes, it is now can you, please do what I want you to do." Jin felt uneasy with how the doctor was looking at him; it was as if he was judging him. Yes, he knew what he was doing was excessive, but Hoseok didn't want kids. Well, he did, he just wasn't ready for them to have any.

Jin was on birth control from the very first time he decided to sleep with Hoseok, they had agreed on it together, but after they settled in their relationship, Hoseok had him come off it, telling him it made him fat and no one was going to give the lead role to him if he kept gaining weight.

So Jin stopped taking his pills, and Hoseok started wearing condoms, well at least when he felt like it. After Jin's third abortion, he tried putting his foot down and letting Hoseok know he was not going to do it anymore. He started back on his pills without Hoseok knowing, but when Hoseok found out, Jin ended up going to his doctor with a broken rib.

Four months after that, he got pregnant and decided he was not going through with another abortion, because each time he had an abortion, he lost a part of himself. He kept the fact that he was pregnant hidden from Hoseok but told his manager. He figured if he allowed the baby to grow and develop, Hoseok would be okay with it, but his manager unknowingly congratulated the two of them, making Hoseok find out.

Jin was three months pregnant when Hoseok kicked him in his stomach and almost suffocated him for keeping the fact he was pregnant a secret. Hoseok blamed Jin for wanting to destroy his career. It was then Jin learned that having a miscarriage was far more painful than aborting a fetus.

He was surprised Hoseok didn't get mad at him this time for getting pregnant, the last time he got pregnant, Hoseok lost it as he was tired of Jin getting pregnant all the time. This is why Jin didn't have the tolerance for this new doctor to judge him or question him about his choice; he wanted the fetus removed so he could continue his life without any more problems.

Jungkook had picked his computer back up and was looking through Jin's chart further, and he got a headache by all the things he was seeing. Jin's medical history did not look normal, and he couldn't understand how Dr. Lane was treating Jin when there were evident signs of abuse.

Jungkook put the laptop down and looked at Jin, "I practice very different from Dr. Lane. I can see she did whatever you requested, but before I do anything with my patients, I like to ask questions and talk with them. From what I see here, you have had five abortions and one miscarriage. You are here seeking another abortion, are you aware of the damages your body is going through with each abortion?"

"I am, and I am fine. I know how many I have had, I am not r-ready for k-kids and the miscarriage was an a-accident." Jin's legs were shaking as he answered Jungkook; he wanted to leave the room.

"Understood. I can go ahead and give you what you want today. However, I am going to recommend you get on birth control. There are many types to consider, and I can go through a list with you and have you decide which one is better for you, I am also recommending that you use condoms along with being on the birth control during sexual intercourse. It will lessen your chance of getting pregnant.

You are very young, and what you are doing to your body is not good. Second, I would like to ask some general questions, if I make you uncomfortable, please let me know, I am not trying to do that, I am trying to do my job in making sure I am doing the best for you as my patient. Okay?"

Jin shifted on the examination bed and gave Jungkook a nod.

"Okay, great," Jungkook picked up his laptop and opened his notes section before he began with his questions. "So, from past experiences with other patients, I'm concerned that some of your medical problems based on what I have reviewed in your charts may be the result of someone hurting you. Is that happening?" Jungkook watched Jin intently, who had a blank expression on his face.

Jin was shocked by Jungkook's question. Dr. Lane never got into his personal life; she understood his medical needs and always did the needful in taking care of his problems. There was no way he could ever tell anyone what Hoseok was doing, they would get the wrong idea about Hoseok, and Jin knew that while Hoseok could be difficult at times, he loved him. So he got into actor mode and fixed himself and stared directly into the doctor's eyes.

"No, no one is hurting me."

"Okay, and you are not afraid of your partner?"

"No, why would I be? We are engaged, getting married soon."

"So, is he aware of all these abortions?"

"N-no, I mean y-yes. Fuck! Why are you asking me this! Dr. Lane never did this, and I find it ridiculous that you are prying into my personal life. Can you do what I came here for you to do? What does it matter if he knows or does not know, I free to do whatever I want. Do you even know who I am?" Jin had gotten very defensive as Jungkook was digging too deep into his personal life, something that needed to stay private.

"Dr. Lane and I are two different doctors. I am now in charge of this place. Personally who you are does not matter to me. What matters to me, is me not putting my licenses in danger to give you what you want because of who you think you are. However, I see that my questions have made you uncomfortable, so I will stop here for today. On that note, I will have the nurse come in to see you, and I will need to see you for a follow-up next week."


"Guess who is back in town?" Yoongi says to Hoseok as they walked out of his studio.

"Who?" Hoseok questioned while looking at his phone to see if Jin had called him. He frowned when he realized he didn't have any calls from him.


"No fucking way! He is back in Seoul?" Hoseok dropped his phone in his pocket and turned to face Yoongi in surprise. Jungkook was their high school friend, who left to go to the States to study.

"Yup, you would not believe it's him if you saw him. I am having drinks with him later, and you should come."

"Of course, I will come, we should invite Namjoon too. It will be like old times. Jin will be happy to have to place to himself. I think he gets tired of seeing me at times."

Yoongi slaps Hoseok on his shoulder, "I don't think Jin ever gets tired of you. I swear you guys are the perfect couple. I refuse to settle down if I can't find me love like the one y'all got."

Hoseok chuckled, "our love is perfect, but it's all thanks to him."

"I bet you one lucky bastard. I heard he is doing that movie with Taehyung; you know that Tae is a flirt, right?"

"Oh, trust me, I know, but Jin knows where his loyalty belongs. I am not worried."

"So you don't get jealous when you see him in those movies, like the one where he kissed Jackson, I know that was real. I felt the chemistry too, and they act their asses off in that one." Yoongi closed his eyes, remembering when he saw the scene between Jin and Jackson, in Love, is Broken.

Hoseok clenched his fist, but kept his cool, "Nah, it's his job. Those don't mean anything. I trust him too, and he has never given me a reason not to either."

"That's good, cause Tae said they have a sex scene in his movie, and he is looking forward to it. He said most of it is camera tricks, but he likes the chemistry he and Jin have."

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