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Seokjin's Pov:

I was smiling on the outside, but I was battling so many different thoughts on the inside. Being at Jimin's baby shower seemed like an excellent idea at first, but now I regretted accepting the invite. I love Jimin and was genuinely happy for him and Namjoon. They were soon welcoming their second child, and both looked so happy.

Something I used to think I would have, but it didn't happen that way for me. I can never celebrate a moment like what Jimin is celebrating right now, and it hurts knowing that.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Jungkook appears in front of me, giving me his cheesy smile. I never knew a grown man as he could look so cute until he smiled.

I was grateful for him; it's weird how he came into my life. I now believe that people are sent into your life at the perfect time; sometimes, they are not meant to stay there but help you through a particular journey. I am not sure if Jungkook's presence was temporary, it had been a year and six months since everything, but either way, I was thankful for him. I found my freedom from the abuse I was in with his persistent help. He and Jimin were a massive help to me moving forward.

Without them being there, I doubt the courage to do what I did would have come about. I wouldn't have dared tried to pull something like that on Hoseok, but they showed me how much they cared and believed in me. They made me want to believe in myself and fight for me—something I had never done before.

Standing up, feeling thankful he had appeared, I returned his smile and told him that he would love nothing more than go for a walk. I could use the fresh air.

We walked out of the house, and as we got outside, I took a deep breath, one I had been holding in. "You kept spacing out in there. Is everything okay?"

I had to give it to him, I wasn't sure if it were because he is a doctor, but he was very observant. "Yeah, I am okay. It's just..." I stopped myself from saying anything more, not wanting things to sound the wrong way.

He takes my hand in his, something he did very often, giving me a feeling of comfort. "You can tell me, what's wrong?"

I knew I could tell him; I just didn't know if it made sense what I was feeling. "I-it's just hard for me seeing him experience something I know I won't be able to. I know how horrible this sounds, and I shouldn't be thinking like this. I should be happy for him, and believe me, I am. It's just I can't help but think about how I will never know what it feels like."

Jungkook's eyes softened as he stared at me; he pulled me into a hug without saying anything.

"It's okay to feel the way you do. I know Jimin knows you are happy for him. I know you are happy for him. You wouldn't be human if you didn't feel the way you do." He says to me after a while of hugging me.

I hugged him back and let the tears I had been holding back fall. If I told you I didn't cry a lot, I would be lying. I did; many nights before bed, my pillows were drenched with tears. I was moving forward one step at a time, but the memories and everything remained painful for me. I knew it wasn't going to go away, but I am trying my best to get help and move forward, no matter how long it takes me.

"Do you want us to leave?" Jungkook asked, and I nod my head; I knew it was a better decision for me. There was no way I could back inside and hold myself together after crying like this.

"Okay, I will go get your stuff, and we will leave; wait here." I gave Jungkook a thankful smile as he runs into the house to gather my things. He was a great guy. I couldn't exactly say that we were together, but they assumed we were as he stuck by my side. We hung out often, and he kept my company on some of my most struggling days.

He also helped me with my script reading, as I had decided to go back to my first movie role. I had only accepted the role because of Taehyung. He had waited patiently for me to do this movie with him, and I was comfortable with him; he made everything easy for me. While I was going through everything, he was one of the people in my corner, never once believing anything from Hoseok.

"Alright, I have everything; let's go." Jungkook alerts me as he returned with my jacket and bag in hand.

We stopped on our way to my house at a nearby restaurant and got takeout, well Jungkook did. I stayed in the car. The media was always ready to find some scoop and had already written many articles about Jungkook and me, so I tried avoiding as much as possible.


Jungkook's Pov:

I watched as Jin picked at his food while laughing at something that happened in the show. He looked so handsome and at peace; I loved seeing him like this. Without worries, no emptiness in his eyes, just only joy and happiness. I didn't get to see it often, but I reserved it in my memories when I did.

I liked him a lot; the more I spent around him, the more I fell for him. It was nearly impossible not to fall for him. He was sweet, funny, lovable, and precious. I don't understand how Hoseok could've lost sight of all that. It still disgusts me to know he had hurt Seokjin the way he did, leaving him with so many scars, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Jin and I weren't together, even though I liked him a lot. I knew he had been through too much. I didn't want to scare him, so I stayed where he wanted me. I allowed him to lead where we go. We had kissed maybe once or twice; both times, it ended abruptly as he pulled away with a look of uncertainty in his eyes. I understood it, and I didn't let it bother me. He was struggling with a lot internally. One day, I know if it's meant to be, he and I will be something great together.

There was no rush for me; I knew everything in life takes time. I didn't grow into the man I am overnight; neither did I become a doctor overnight. It all took time and work. I know with Jin, it will be the same, and I am okay with that.

He placed his food container on the center table and yawned out loud. "Are you tired?"

"Yeah, a bit."

Understanding, I get up to help clean up so I could leave and let him get rest, but he stops me, "why don't you stay tonight? You can use the guestroom."

I was a bit surprised, though it wasn't the first time he offered for me to stay; it had been a while since he had provided me with that offer. "are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure. I don't feel like being alone tonight."

I sat back on the sofa and patted my hand on my thigh; he took the opportunity without me saying anything and lay his head on my lap. I began stroking my fingers through his hair, something he loved, and an action I knew would have him sleeping in no time. Most times I did this, we ended up sleeping in this exact position as I never wanted to wake him once he fell asleep. 

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