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Jungkook looked around his home, making sure everything was in order. It was the first time he had Jin over to his place. Usually, it was he that went to Jin's home. If he was honest with himself, he was quite nervous to host dinner. While things had been progressing well for him and Jin over the last nine months of them being together. He often contemplated if he was a good boyfriend, although he shouldn't second guess himself he had to after seeing what Jin had endured with Hoseok; he didn't want to do anything that would hurt Jin.

So he tried his best to be thoughtful about everything, even his words he was careful with. Recently he and Jin disagreed, and he wasn't sure how to approach the situation. At that moment, he recognized that he had also become traumatized by what Jin had been through; it was causing him to walk on eggshell in their relationship. Therefore, he sought out a professional to help him through things he found tricky maneuvering. He loved Jin and loved being with him, he wanted what they have to work, and he would do his best to make it work if Jin allowed it.

When the doorbell rang, Jungkook glanced around his place once more; taking a deep breath, he goes to the door and opens it. Seeing Jin's smile as he opens the door makes all his worries disappear.

"Sorry I am late; traffic was ridiculous."

Jungkook reaches for Jin's hand and draws him into a hug, "it's fine, you are right on time. I just finished dinner."

"You smell nice." Jin compliments him, resting his face into Jungkook's chest, returning his hug."

Pushing the door close, Jungkook allows Jin to rest his head on his chest while they remained hugging, "you had a good day?"

"Not really, but nothing to talk about right now; tonight, I just want to focus on us."

Pulling away, Jungkook stares at Jin, "will you tell me when you are ready to talk about it?"

Jin nods and smiles at Jungkook, "I will."

"Thank you." Jungkook leans forward, pressing a light kiss to Jin's lips, "Do you want a tour of my home or dinner first?"

"Dinner, please, I am starving."


"Wow, this was delicious; you could become a chef with this type of talent, Jungkook." Jin expresses while using a napkin to wipe his lips.

Jungkook smiled at Jin's praise for his cooking, "I made it special for you."

A blush arises on Jin's cheek, and he looks down at the table, "here you go charming me with your words again."

"Is it working?"

Jin looks up and him, a smile plastered on his face, "yes, it is." After that, the smile disappeared as a thought crossed Jin's mind, but didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.

"Is everything okay?"

A war began in Jin's mind if he wanted to be honest with his thoughts to Jungkook, versus keeping them to himself. He knew it was probably better to keep to himself but recognized those thoughts were only destroying him on the inside, creating more damage to his already damaged self.

"No." he breathes out, and tears began coating his eyelashes, and he tries blinking them away as they blurred his vision.

Jungkook expression turned to one of concern, and he slides his chair closer to Jin, resting his hand over Jin's, "what's wrong?"

Jin swallowed and looked at Jungkook, "I-I really like you."

"That's a good thing-"

"Is it? Sometimes I don't know if it is. I am scared, Jungkook, I am scared of us spending all this time together, you treating me like this, making me feel this special, knowing one day you are going to leave me or be tired of me."

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