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Fixing his robe Hoseok walked to the door and looking at the screen by the door, his eyes widen when he saw two cops standing there.

Rubbing his palms that became sweaty into his robe, he fixed himself and opened the door.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Hoseok said in a voice that made it seems as though he had been woken from his sleep.

The two cops who had received a tip that someone was being abused in the apartment eyes widen upon seeing Hoseok.

"You are Jung Hoseok?!" One of them let out feeling amazed to be standing in front of a celebrity they admired.

"Ah, yes, that's me. Did something happen?" Hoseok questioned, looking between the two.

The cops both looked at each other before glancing back at Hoseok.

"N-no, I think we got the wrong address. Someone reached out about a possible abuse case, and they gave us this address-"

"Fuck, I hate these crazy ass fans. I don't even think I can call them that. Seriously it's in the middle of the night, and they are trying to play a prank like this. My fiancé is sleeping and has a critical appointment tomorrow for his new show, and we are awoken by this nonsense.

Listen, I know you both have to do your job, so why don't you come on in and do a house check so you can be on your way?" Hoseok held the door wide open and offered to the cops.

"No, that's not necessary at all. We are super sorry for waking you up." The two cops bowed to Hoseok, feeling apologetic.

"Are you sure? I don't mind at all; I'm already awake. I can wake Jin up; he's for the law, so he won't mind. Your job is important and wouldn't want you all getting in any trouble."

The officers smiled at Hoseok, caring thought. "We can assure you we are good. My husband follows you and Jin's relationship a lot. The most talked-about relationship in our country. We know if domestic abuse is happening, it's not here. You two are the nation's couple, and I think someone was being an asshole when calling us here."

Hoseok smiles back at the officers. "Yeah, it seems so. But since you both came out here, why don't I give you something to go with. And for your husband as well. You can come in and wait in the hallway." Hoseok moved from in front of the door and let the officers inside.

Leaving them for a brief moment, he went and got a few of his albums. Signing them and handing them off the officers who were surprised at his kindness.

"If Jin were awake, I would ask him to sign something for you too, but if you want to leave your address, I can have it do it and mail it."

"Wow, wow, thank you so so much. My husband is going to love this so much. Thank you again, Hoseok." Both officers bowed and smiled, exited the apartment.

When they were gone, Hoseok let out a deep breath leaning his back against the door as his fist doubles.

He clenched his jaw and hurried to his and Jin's bedroom.

Jin had been sitting in the middle of the bed, afraid to move as Hoseok had threatened him before leaving.

"Why the fuck was the cops here?" He flinched when Hoseok screamed at him.

Jin's eyes widen, and he stared at Hoseok, confused. "I-"

He stopped as he saw Hoseok pulled out one of his belts and started rolling in his hand. "Any lies that come out of your mouth, I'm going to make sure you can't leave this house for the next month."

"Hoseok, I don't know. And I am not lying; I really don't know. Please, you have to believe me. I would never call the cops on you. You know that. I'm already in a lot of pain, can you not hit me anymore. I know I was wrong earlier, and I promise never to do something that's going to upset you again, but please don't hit me anymore tonight. I'm hurting a lot."

Hoseok stared at Jin, who had tears running down his face and looked fragile and broken in the middle of their bed. Feeling regretful that he was the reason why Jin was in the state he was, he dropped the belt on the floor and removed his robe, dropping it to the floor.

"Sorry I hurt you earlier. I let my anger get too out of control sometimes. Let me make it up to you. Let me make love to you." He climbed onto the bed and pulled Jin to him.

Jin's body tense, and Hoseok realized it.

"You don't want us to make love?"

"I-I do," Jin whispered, saying the opposite of what he wanted.

He didn't want to be touched. He just wanted to be left alone, but he knew he couldn't tell Hoseok that.

As Hoseok has his way with him, Jin's mind remained in a panic that he might end up pregnant again as Hoseok didn't live by his promise of wearing a condom.


Jin woke up the next morning to the smell of food. When he opened his eyes, Hoseok kissed him on his forehead.

"I made you breakfast, come eat." he motioned to Jin.

Jin took his time and got out of the bed. His body was aching him. He knew he had a lot of new bruises on his body, but he refuses to look at them.

Reaching for a shirt to put on Hoseok stopped him.

"Wear one of my shirts, but don't put anything on under it. I want you to be easily accessible today. Last night was amazing, and I'm looking forward to another amazing day today." He winked at Jin and walked out of the room.

Jin's hand trembled as he picked out one of Hoseok's shirt. He didn't want to cause an argument or have Hoseok mad at him, so he did as he was told. Sex was always better for him than getting hit.

Joining Hoseok for breakfast, he was surprised by how much effort Hoseok had put into making their food. There were even flowers in the middle of the table.

"I want to apologize for my actions yesterday and before that. I also wish to stop putting my hands on you. I don't like hitting you, and I know you know this. From now on, I will work to be a better fiancé and future husband. By the way, I told your manager we are moving up our wedding. I want us to get married within the next two weeks.

I think it's time I am known officially as your husband. He's going to inform the press at noon today." Hoseok smiled and rubbed his hand against Jin's thigh.

"W-why would you do that?"

"What do you mean, why would I do that? You don't want to marry me?"

"N-no, that's not it. I just thought we would talk about this first. T-two weeks is right there I-"

"What's there to talk about? We are engaged. You mine. We are getting married. I didn't see the need for a discussion. Is two weeks too far out for you because I can make it next week, fuck we can do it right now if you want."

Jin shook his head, "t-two weeks is fine."

"That's what I thought—another thing you are not allowed to go back to that hospital. I'll find you another doctor. And once we are married, I don't want you doing any shows, movies, commercials, photoshoot without my approval. As your husband, I will need to know what you are doing before you do it.

But I don't think that will be an issue for the first five years of our marriage" Hoseok leaned forward and kissed Jin's cheek.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I want us to start having kids immediately. Therefore, you'll need to take a break from acting. Your manager is aware of this as well, but we won't announce this until after our wedding."

"I don't want to take a break. This is my career; we are talking about Hoseok." Jin lets out feeling frustrated.

Hoseok squeezes Jin's thigh, sinking his nails into his flesh, "did you raise your voice at me?"

"N-no," Jin whispered with tears in his eyes.

"I'm trying to have a good morning. Don't fuck it up."

A/N: Sorry for the delay with updating this. Sometimes I forget about books.
Errors will be fixed later.

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