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"I can understand if you don't want to talk about what happened between Hoseok and you, I will respect you and wait until you are ready; however, I ask one thing of you, and that is for you not to shut me out."

Jin studied Jimin as he spoke; he sounded like someone who cared, but he wasn't ready to discuss anything regarding what he had endured with Hoseok, nor did he want to. It was the kind of situation he wishes would go away. He didn't understand why he had gone through so much being with Hoseok, and even after it ended, he was the one suffering still. Life was unfair, and Jin knew it. Still, he also blamed himself for accepting things as the way they were for so long; maybe if he had stood up to Hoseok more, they wouldn't be in this situation, and their relationship would have been a lot healthier. He wouldn't be single either, and his marriage would have worked out too.

"Thank you for saying that, I appreciate it. I will try not to shut you out, and if I do, it's not intentional as you know I have never been a people person, to begin with, and right now more than ever, I need time to get through this. However, it helps knowing that I have another person around who doesn't entirely see me as a horrible person." Jin spoke honestly to Jimin; he knew it would take him time if he ever confessed what went down between him and Hoseok, and he didn't want to bring false hope to Jimin that he would one day confess the truth because truthfully, he didn't know if he could bring himself to do it.

Living with how things were at the moment was a lot less painful than it would be if he spoke the truth, or at least that's how he saw it.

Both of them turned and looked towards the door as the bell rang, "are you expecting someone?" Jimin inquired, getting up from his seat.

"No, not really, maybe it's food delivery," Jin said, knowing that Jungkook would send him meals even though he had told him it wasn't needed.

"Do you want me to get it?"

Jin nodded his head, "please, that would be appreciated."

Jimin left the room and towards the door; when he got there, he forgot how many locks he had to open, and wondered how someone could live like that; it bothered him to no end. It fueled something with him; it made him angry, but he had to keep his anger under control as he wanted to respect Jin's wishes as if he was living this way, it meant many things happened beyond his imagination. However, it didn't take a genius to recognize that abuse was undoubtedly a part of what Hoseok had done to Jin.

Opening the door, he gives a smile to the delivery guy, quiet impressed by how handsome the man was standing before him. It was almost as if he was a celebrity himself. "thank you, how much is it?" Jimin questioned, reaching out his hand to take the bag from Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook frowns, taking a step back, "I am sorry, but who are you, and why do you want to know?"

Jimin looked at him, confused, "umm, aren't you here to deliver food?"

"Yeah, but I am Seokjin's friend-"

"Oh, I am so sorry! Jin didn't tell me you were his friend; I thought you were a delivery guy, dropping his food off. Please come on in." Jimin stepped aside, allowing room for Jungkook to enter, but Jungkook doesn't move.

"It's fine; before I come in, can you confirm with Jin that it's okay? I don't usually show up like this, and I want to make sure he is okay with me coming in. Let him know Jungkook brought his lunch and wanted to stop by to check in on him."

Jimin paused at the mention of Jungkook's name, and then the lightbulb went off in his head, "Wait, Jungkook, as in Jeon Jungkook, a friend of Kim Namjoon?"

"Yeah, that Jungkook, guessing you know me?"

"I have heard your name before, both in good and bad terms, but not important. Anyway, let me check with Jin and see if he is okay with having you by."

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