A Rhapsody for You and Me

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"Annabeth, sweetie! Could you run down and get us ice cream? I have cravings! Choose whatever you like but get me the cookies 'n' cream." Her aunt Natalie called out.

"Sure!" She yelled back and put on her sneakers and headed downstairs.

She walked for a while until she reached an ice cream place.

With two cones of cookies 'n' cream in her hand, and her heavy sling bag full of books, she headed back.

And then she felt a dark figure creep behind her.

Guess Who?


Nah I'm kidding. I promised Percabeth.


Well, the day had been eventful. And painful.

Jules-Albert dropped him off at the wrong place so he had to walk. Of course.

He was thinking about what would happen if Nancy told the entire school about his past, (not very pleasant thoughts) when he walked into someone.


And holy Hera that person was defensive.

She held his hand from behind, twisted it and judo-flipped him.


And then she slammed her handbag on him (it was very heavy, what in hades did she carry!) and in his attempts to get up, he managed to reach for what he thought was a hand. Turns out, it was ice cream which was now on his face. Yum.

When he got up, he limped after her.

"Hey lady! Look, I'm sorry! I didn't see you!"

Even though he couldn't see her face, he could imagine her eyes narrowing.

"Couldn't see me?" She said.  "You're a complete idiot and you scared the hell out of me with your creepiness."

She turned around and smashed another ice cream on his face. But he had seen her eyes. Thundercould grey. Sparking. And angry.


"Annabeth?" He asked weakly. Maybe he was hallucinating. From what? Handbags?

She stumbled back. And managed to get her foot stuck in the tiny trash can outside the ice cream shop.

"Percy?" She croaked.

"Oh my gods, it's you." Percy tried to hug her but that evidently failed.

She got her foot out of the trash can and moved further back. Then she smiled awkwardly at him.

Then her eyes twinkled. She huffed, "Well, good to see you too, Percy. I've officially moved here. And you owe me two ice creams."

Percy had had a crush on her.

Like sure, she'd always been cute, but now she looked seriously beautiful.

And he realised he'd been drooling. Like a goldfish.

And now  he was pretty sure he was in love.

"Percy!" She snapped him back to reality. "Hurry up I gotta go."

"Wait, you were serious about the ice cream thing?"

She stuck her tongue out at him and said, "No, but do you wanna come over and have ice cream?"

"Yeah, sorry Annabeth, it's getting late and I still have homework." He said, not believing he had just declined a request to spend time with Annabeth. Maybe he was nervous. Oh hell yeah, he was nervous.

But she brushed it off and said, "See you around, Percy."

"Yeah, see you too Annabeth."

Sorry it wasn't much Percabeth but I want it to sorta build up, ya know?

But Percabeth has begun!

Also word count 570

Not as much as last chapter but trust me, that was an exception (Jasper!)

Hope you liked it.

I ❤️ Viria's work

Will write the next chapter tomorrow. (No school...)

Thanks for reading and voting and commenting!


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