A not-so-happy reunion 2

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She just got a text from Piper. She was with Annabeth.
Thalia couldn't wait to see her. It had been 6 years. She'd been the only one to even talk to her after she rejected Percy. But the details on that had always been a little hazy.
She also wondered why she never came to visit them two years ago. She had said yes...

When they reached, Piper opened the door.

"How's the hotel?"

"Ehh... the usual. AC's busted and the food sucks. But otherwise, pretty okay. Oh and there was this creepy bellboy staring at Reyna," she said, winking at Reyna, who scowled. "And he asked her out and she kicked him so hard I kinda felt bad."

Piper laughed. Then Reyna asked, "Where's Annabeth?"

"Inside. C'mon."

They met Annabeth who seemed happy to see them, but she wasn't the same. She barely ever spoke, unless she had to and she was slightly pale.

Then Hazel, Rachel And Leo came.

Piper asked Leo, "Who invited you?"

"Ahh I'm one of you gossip girls already."

"The only gossip girl here is you Valdez." Thalia said, to which Annabeth snorted.

"Ooh,look who finally turned up." Said Leo, looking at Annabeth.

"Hey Leo." She said.

They just sat there, talking. Hazel and Rachel were opening up an Art Studio, Piper was just about to release her first album, she and Reyna had opened up a self defence class for little girls and Leo was working on his garage shop.

"So Annabeth, where do you work?" Hazel asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Uhh... at Lea Builders. I'm one of the head architects there."


It was just small talk and then everyone got up to leave. Even Reyna, who had to go to meet someone.

"Bye guys." Thalia said.

When it was just Thalia and Piper, they both cornered Annabeth.

She shook her head and told them she was fine and she tried to get up. But her long sleeved tee caught onto the lamp near the couch and it pulled it down.

Just a bit, but it was enough for Thalia to go from 'happy' to 'so furious I will kill whoever hurt my friend."

Her shoulder had bruises all over.

"Annabeth." Thalia whispered, scared.

"She looked over and saw that they'd seen."

She sighed. "Thalia, leave it. It doesn't matter. I'm done with Luke."

Now Thalia could've choked. "Luke? Luke as in my best friend in middle school before he joined the Ares gang? Luke as in Luke who you dated in high school? Luke who cheated on you? Luke who you chose over Percy Jackson?"

"Yes, Thalia. I've been living with him since high school."

Then Piper asked slowly, "He did that to you?"

The silence was an answer enough.

Then Thalia let out a strangled cry, " I. WILL. KILL. HIM."

Annabeth looked at them and said, "Guys please, no, okay? What happened between me and Luke is in the past. I'm going to move on. And I don't want any more men in my life. Ever."

She sighed, then got up and closed her door.

Thalia looked at Piper, "She isn't over Percy, is she?"

Piper stared back, "She never will be."

I'm sorry these two chapters are fillers but I promise you guys you will LOVE the next chapter (I have a vague idea.)

But I'll try and update the day after or maybe tomorrow (*sighs**then rolls eyes* depends on homework 🙄)

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Word count 589

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