You'll hate me for this

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The next few months were a haze. School went on, and it was all back to normal. And it was great getting to know about how Percy'd been all these years.

She completely avoided Luke, gave murderous glares to Ares and Nancy Bobofit so she didn't even try harassing her best friend and well, Reyna and Thalia finally got together. Now that had been a highlight.

It took them forever but they finally confessed and they kissed.  Then they threw a huge party for all of them for making Operation Theyna work. They really are cute, the two of them. The sass, the fight, the strength, they were like 'meant to be'.

She stayed back late one day to try out for the debate team and she was hitching a ride with Percy who was stuck in detention for being too sassy with the math teacher Mrs Dodds.

Her debate tryout finished fast enough, and she walked back to her locker to get some stuff when she met Luke. Alone. Right there. Right opposite her locker.

She stiffened, "What do you want?"

"Annabeth please I just want to apologise. It wasn't my fault I swear! Drew, well she cornered me and she promised to hurt you if I didn't listen. Please forgive me. I miss us."

And maybe it was the fact that her debate topic had been forgiveness or the fact that Luke seemed sincere, his apology genuine and maybe the fact that Annabeth knew Drew could be a jerk... and maybe she missed having someone who'd constantly remind her that she was loved and that she was special to someone... that Annabeth decided to forgive Luke.

She ran up to him and kissed him. She could sense his shock, which turned into relief as he wrapped his cold arm around her a little too tight.

"Luke you're choking me" she gasped.

He grinned and stared at her from top to bottom, which Annabeth found slightly disturbing and creepy.

"Sorry Annie."

"Well then I'd better go." Annabeth said as she hurriedly walked off.

And there she saw Percy waiting for her by the car. He looked a little nervous.

Hey 😁
I'm in a good mood so I felt evil so I said Lukabeth, sure why not? I'm weird that way. Actually I'm weird most ways. But whatever.

I gave you guys a bit of Theyna❤️🧡💛💚💙💜!

How was the chapter btw?
And how did I get this font? It's sooo cool! Where in hades did it come from? Can you guys see it? Can someone tell me how I got the font?

I'll try to update by tomorrow? The day after? I dunno. I just posted three chapters in a row so yep... I'm on a ROLL!

Edit: 50+ votes! I love you guys! Also... the font's gone. Huh. Guess you can't see it then. Weird. (This edit is occurring 4minutes after publishing)

Word count 499

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