Or So She Thought

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Piper should've arrived. She was like a half hour late. Very unlike her. Her Aunt Nat had to go, so she was alone.

Then she heard the doorbell.

She opened the door just to have a purse flung at her face. It didn't really hurt, but Annabeth was shocked.

She opened her mouth to ask what had happened but Piper screamed,

"How could you! Annabeth! You do like him! Why'd you do that? Choose Luke over him? Seriously? That poor boy is crying his eyes out! You know, Annabeth, you're pretty selfish. Confess! Give it up Annabeth, tell me you like him!"

Woah. That was a lot to take in.

But she wasn't a poor girl, crying over her choices.

So she steeled herself, and calmly told Piper,

" I do not like Percy Jackson, Piper."

Confusion and anger washed over her face.

Then she just walked out.

Annabeth sighed.

She had lied.

She didn't like Percy Jackson, she loved him.

Her last year of high school was miserable. Annabeth had given up all hope. Luke was a dominating, forceful, person, and he controlled her life.
But she'd given up, and she never fought back.
Her friends ignored her, except for Thalia, who sometimes smiled at her. Those smiles meant the world to her.
As for Percy, well she often caught herself staring at him wistfully. Once or twice, he even saw her. Then he'd freeze, give her a cold stare and turn away.

Graduation was the last time she'd ever see him.

Or so she thought.

Hey! I will try and update soon! (Tomorrow or the day after)... Or maybe I shouldn't update at all!

Does this count as a cliffhanger? Cause this is a Percabeth book?

The video probably has nothing to do with this book but I love it soooo much!

Word count 318

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Love you guys❤️


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