The Other Side

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What. The. Hell.

Percy... Percy... oh gods no.

She couldn't even see she was crying so much. She waked into the apartment. Her aunt saw her.

"Annabeth, what happened sweetie? Are you okay?"

"Aunt Nat, please, I just want to be left alone."

"You know Annabeth, you're mum would say..."

"Aunt Nat it doesn't matter what my mum would say! She died when I was 7! She's gone! Okay..."

Aunt Nat looked like she was about to say something but she didn't. Instead she said, " I know Annabeth..." and she walked away.

And that night, Annabeth sobbed herself to sleep. What had she really done?

At least she had Luke and her friends, right?

The next day, she called Piper first.

"Pipes, could you please come over?"

"Oooh Annabeth, you excited?"

"For what?" Annabbeth asked, confused.

"Oh. Oh wait. You don't sound okay."

"I'm not, really."

"I'll be there in an hour."

Okay this is probably the shortest chapter yet but I'm like updating 6 times a day!

The fan art is sooo sad and real! Gives me the feels! TLH!

Word count 214

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And yes, I know you guys hate me, but trust me, it gets worse (I've actually written the next two chapters)

Love you guys❤️


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