And I was Running Out of Luck

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The past month had been... stressful. He'd been waiting to make sure Annabeth was totally over Luke before asking her out. And he'd checked with all his friends. Their advice was... interesting to say the least.

Reyna and Thalia told him they'd beat the hell of of him if he didn't tell her. Leo,Jason, Will And Hazel were complete fangirls. Nico just kept grinning at Percy like he had been waiting for the day to come. Only Piper seemed slightly useful and reassuring.

He asked her about it and she told him, "Percy, it's obvious you're crazy for her. But I think she is too. She's just really unsure, you know? But I know, deep down, she does like you.

And so the day had come. He was going to tell her on the way home.

Ahh there she was. She seemed... flustered? What happened?

"Hey Seaweed Brain." She said, sounding excited.

"Uhhh... Hey Annabeth."

"How was detention?" She asked, smirking.

"The usual."

Then they drove in silence for a while.

"So..." they both said together. Annabeth snorted. Go first Seaweed Brain.

"Nah, you spill. You look like you're about to burst."

"Hey!" She said, punching his arm.

"Go on..." Percy said, wincing as she had hit him right where Luke had punched him many months ago. There was still a bruise.

"Well... I have a boyfriend!"

Schist. No. No. Seriously how bad could his luck be? On the very day he was gonna confess?

" okay? You look kinda pale."

"Uhhh... no I'm fine. Who is he? It's a he, right?"

"Yes Percy it's a He, and it's Luke!"

Percy turned into a corner and slammed the brakes. "Luke! Annabeth are you crazy! After all that he did to hurt you!"

"Percy, it wasn't his fault, it was Drew's" Annabeth reasoned.

"Bullshit." He said, as he drove in silence. Then when they reached they climbed up the stairs. Just as they turned in different directions, Percy screamed.

"Annabeth, How could you?"

"How could I what Percy! I can choose who to date you know! I don't even know why I told you!" She said, angrily.

"Annabeth, he hurts people! Okay? I didn't tell you but he tried to hurt you. That night, when I took you home? Remember?"

She turned pale. "Did he hurt you, Percy?"

Percy remained silent.

She said it again, a little louder, "Did he?"

"Annabeth yes he did but just listen okay? I can't keep this quiet any longer. Please."

She looked like she was about to interrupt but Percy continued, advancing towards her.

"You never realised and it doesn't matter that you don't feel the same way Annabeth but Annabeth, I love you, okay?"

He pulled her in and kissed her.

And it was the best feeling ever. While it lasted. But she pushed away from him and he could see the shock and tears in her eyes.

"I can't, Percy..." she said, and she ran away.

Hey guys! How was it?

I'll try and update every two days cause I have a LOT of homework... who invented rationalising? It sucks. :(

This chapter was kinda a dramatic filler I guess...

And yep, from this point on, I have no further ideas and am gonna have to wing it... hmmm... how long should I drag on Lukabeth? Cause I really want Percabeth but then again, I'm evil. 😈

Gods of Olympus I love the fan art soooo much! Go Viria!

Word count 602

Oh and did you like the title? I used a phrase for the song.

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Love you guys ❤️


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