Wise Girl

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She got in. They spent the ride in silence, silence that is, if you don't count Thalia rambling about every single person's murder that she had planned.

Wow, that girl was vicious.

That was when Percy commented, "You and Reyna must get along quite well..."

Annabeth could swear that Thalia turned red. "Nah Kelp head, we only met at the airport."

Annabeth decided to pipe in. "Well whoever she is, I ship it."

Thalia groaned , "I swear you two better stop or your gonna be next on my murder list!"

And they all cracked up. In all the laughter Annabeth asked , "Dam it, Percy how do you know this Reyna girl?"

"Uhhh... never mind Wise Girl."

Wise Girl. Oh gods. That name. Quite a simple memory, but one she'd never forget.

They were 13. And in school. Partners for a Greek project.

Annabeth smacked Percy on the head, "Idiot!" She hissed. "Zeus never ate Kronos! He was his son!"

"Uhhhh... I don't think so. Wasn't umm the sea god, Poseidon the amazing one?"

"Arghhhhh, noooo!" Look here, she read the whole chapter to him under a pine tree.

By the time they were done, it was dark-ish. They stared at the stars for a while. Then Percy grinned. "Remember a girl who ran into this tree?"

"Yeah, what a pinecone face." Annabeth laughed.

Percy snorted.

"And that's why you're a Wise Girl."

She grinned. "Seaweed Brain."

"Uhhhh... earth to Annabeth?" Thalia said. "Like I was saying, this girl started attacking Percy and then we saved him cause he's a wimp."

"Hey!" Percy protested.

Annabeth's eyes narrowed. "Which girl?"

"Uhhh... Nancy Bobofit." Percy said. He seemed nervous. Was she that bad? Annabeth was positive she could make her end up in a hospital one day.

She looked at Percy who was now engaged in a conversation with Thalia about Reyna. It was hilarious to see Thalia blush. She was trying hard to cover it up, but it was evident. Annabeth smiled.

Percy on the other hand, gods he was so cute. The wind blew his messy hair and his sea green eyes twinkled with amusement.

Then she noticed Thalia observing her through the mirror. 'Schist.' Thalia winked and grinned at her before scowling at Percy.

When they finally reached school, they got down. Thalia said, "Pick you up tomorrow guys." She said winking at Annabeth again.

'Ughhhh... whyyyy did she have to stare!' She thought.

Percy yelled back at her, "Go get Reyna! I'm on Team Theyna!"

Thalia raised her hands in surrender and walked off. Annabeth smirked.

They walked in. Percy carefully walked in the corner.
Gods knew why. Surely he was popular? The famous Percy Jackson?
But no one paid any attention to him.
'Huh, then who are they staring at?' Annabeth wondered.


Oh shoot. He'd forgotten about all the creepy guys at the school. All eyes were on Annabeth. She was new, she was confident and gods she was... beautiful.

He tried to warn her, but he'd already been pushed to the corner.

He met Jason. He gasped. "Who's that? Gods she's cute. Not my type, but still."

Percy raised an eyebrow. He smirked. "How'd it go with Piper dearest?"

He smiled. "The best."

Percy smiled too. He was happy for Jason.

That's when he saw someone near Annabeth. Ares. No. No.

Percy wanted to help. But he was frozen.

Ares put his hand on her shoulder. Annabeth tensed. Then she shocked the entire school.

He looked straight into his eye, screamed 'Back off!' And then punched him right in the face. He backed up, clearly shocked that a girl had the guts to do that. He aimed a blow at her head but she tackled him. Ouch, that must've hurt him. Percy realised that he never didn't ever need to worry about Annabeth being in danger. Then she judo flipped him. "Don't you ever DARE." She told him softly before walking off.

Cause that girl could definitely kick some butt.

Later in the day, when Percy asked her if she was gonna catch a ride with him and Thalia she surprised him even more.

"Actually Percy, Luke is gonna take me home."

Percy's eyes might as well have popped out.

"Luke? Luke? But Luke is... Ares friend. The guy who you thrashed today.  Oh congrats on that by the way."

"Thanks and yes, I know, but he came up to me and told me what a jerk he acts like sometimes and he seemed really sweet so, why not? It wasn't like I had too many friends in San Francisco any which ways."

Percy's heart felt like it had dropped to his stomach.

"Uhhh... okay."

"See you later Percy."

And before he could tell her to be careful or even just a 'see you too' she was gone.

Ha ha Lukabeth has BEGUN! 😈😈😈
I promised no Perachel cause I like Rachel as a person, but I never had any promises for Annabeth.

The fan art is nice for art, but I just can't accept Lukabeth, ya know?

Word count: 876

Woah! That's more than my usual!

How was the chapter by the way? I'll update again tomorrow (hopefully) or else the day after.

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