I Just Wanna Be Part Of Your Symphony 1

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Right then, Annabeth knew that she had to see him. She knew he hadn't seen her, and he was actually too far off for even her to recognise it was him, but she just knew.

She saw the sea-green sparkle, and the messy jet-black hair and the stupid blue ice cream. Annabeth laughed softly.

And then she didn't know what took over her.

Probably her heart, cause she'd never had done something so idiotic.


As fast as she could and she leaped on Percy's back. Her bruises still hurt, but she didn't care at that point. After seven long years, she needed her best friend back.

He, clearly hadn't expected someone to jump on him.

"Aaaah!" He cried as he fell over, spilling all the ice cream over Annabeth's face.

"Ewww Seaweed Brain, what flavour is this?" Annabeth asked.

She could feel him freeze. He got up slowly, without turning back and didn't even help her up.

Little did she know that he had tears glistening in his eyes.

He asked uncertainly, his voice shaky, "Annabeth?"

"Hey Seaweed Brain, I missed you."

He turned around with a slight smile on his face, "I missed you too Wise Girl."

Then Annabeth rushed up to him and kissed him. And it was the best feeling ever. She felt safe, like she could stay there forever.

But the fates really did have a twisted sense of humour.

And the tables had turned.

Percy pushes her away and grimaced.

"I'm sorry Annabeth... I can't."

But Annabeth didn't want to give up on her Seaweed Brain just then. For the first time in years, she felt hope.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I'm engaged."

Ooooh chapter 20! I had to make it special for you guys, didn't I? 😈 I mean, I've never written anything with soo many chapters (short as they may be) (and also not like I've written many books)

Hey guys... yes I know you hate me and I actually have no idea why I put that there but the idea just popped up.

Don't worry, I'm not that mean. Just mean enough.😈

I love that fan art , don't you? Go Viria!

I'll try and update (as usual) tomorrow or the day after... (I do not have a plan for the next chapter)

Thanks so much for reading!

Word count 400

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