Quick Little Breakup

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He hadn't meant to kiss her.

'But she kissed you." A voice in his head said.

'And you still love her!' The same voice argued.

Then he heard her say those words, and he couldn't help it. He had to. Annabeth Chase was his dream. Always had been. Even after all this time.

He let her sleep, while he thought about what had happened to her in the past few years. She'd changed. But that was expected. She was probably traumatised, but she hid it well. He sighed. He wanted to kill Luke. For ever laying a finger on her.

He decided to make some pancakes for her. Piper's kitchen hadn't changed. It never did. Percy used it as his personal pancake shop.

When Annabeth finally woke up, she walked out, yawning. Percy stifled a laugh.

"Aaah! Percy! Whatcha doing here?!" She yelped.

"You were drunk. And I stayed to make sure you didn't fall asleep on a table counter maybe."

She looked sheepish. "Oh. Uhhh, did I say anything?" She asked nervously.

"Nope." Percy said, smiling.

"Oh, okay then." She said, looking relieved.

After their pancakes, Percy headed out.

"Got to go break up with Drew." He said.

"Go on Seaweed Brain."

"And Annabeth, thanks." He said, shooting her a grateful look.

He ran to see Drew at the door of his apartment.

"Why won't you give me a key?" She whined. "And where were you?" She asked.

"With a friend. And I could ask the same about you."

She paled a bit, but it was hard to make out with all that makeup smothered over her face.

She tried to cut him off with a kiss, but this time, Percy was disgusted. He pushed her away.

"Go away Drew. I don't want to ever see you again. And yes, I know about your affair." Percy spat.

"But..." Drew protested. "Daddy promised that you'd marry me..."

"Tell your daddy then that's too bad but his daughter is a slut." Percy yelled.

She looked slightly scared and then ran away. Percy sighed. Task one complete. Now he had to tell Annabeth.

And he had a plan.

I updated! I surprise me.
Short chapter, I know... bear with me. Thanks for all the comments in Your Opinion...

Fan art  rocks! (Viria❤️)

Word count: 395

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