A Bit of Freedom

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Okay back to the story, it's a special chapter (in some ways 😈)

-6 years later-


To say her life sucked would be an understatement.
Her dad didn't want her back with him for college because she'd got a scholarship at a University there in New York. Her aunt had moved to India with Magnus for her work.

As far as she knew, all her ex-friends (it pained her to call them that) , were in different parts of the country doing their own thing. The only connection she had had was two years ago, when she'd just finished college, when Thalia sent her an excited text saying that she and Reyna had moved in together and she invited her to come over.

Annabeth was so excited she'd already packed when Luke came.
2years ago
"And where are you going?" He asked her harshly.

"To meet some friends."

"I'm sorry, you can't. I gave you a home and let you move in with me when you had no one, so no, you can't." Luke had told her while pushing her against the wall.

"Luke, please, I haven't seen them in 4 years!"

The argument had gone on for days and it ended with Annabeth submitting meekly and obeying Luke's every order like she'd been doing ever since she got back together with him... ever since she broke Percy Jackson's heart."

Now Annabeth had just got back from work, where she was one of the best architects. Everyone admired her, but no one knew her, or her life.

"Get me a bean dip, woman" Luke's voice called out as soon as she'd opened the door.

Annabeth sighed.

She got the dip, but Luke had left. Probably in the washroom. That's when she saw the text.

"Has she gone baby? I can't wait to see you!❤️"

It was then, after those 6 years, that Annabeth couldn't take it anymore. Sure, she'd given up her fight, her hope, but at least Luke had promised not to see anyone else. And now, that one promise she had held on to for all those years, that too, was broken. She ran into the room, she grabbed all her stuff (which wasn't a lot) and was almost out when Luke came in.

He stared at her with cold, harsh eyes. Annabeth stiffened.

"Where you going?" He growled, looking at the bag of luggage in her hand.

"Away. From you. Forever Luke.  You have controlled me for too long. But you, you broke your promise Luke, the one thing I trusted you with. You cheated. So stay away from me Luke. As much as I haven't raised a finger yet, you know form 7 years ago, that I can and I WILL NOT HESITATE TO DO SO." Annabeth cried, with tears in her eyes.

Luke growled, as he advanced towards her, " Then get lost Annabeth. Because you have nowhere to go." He sneered as he kicked her and then pushed her out of the house.

Wincing in pain at her probably broken ankle, Annabeth left. Outside, in the cold winter air, was a woman.

It was her.



And after all those years of bowing down, Annabeth walked straight up to her and punched her. She was still crying, but now they weren't tears of sorrow, they were tears of hurt and anger.

She'd let Luke beat her, push her around, owe her, make a slave out of her. But she wasn't going to let it happen again.

Unfortunately, Drew had some skills too. She kicked Annabeth right where Luke had just hit her and she stumbled to the cold ground.

Drew smiled creepily. "Oh Annabeth honey, enjoy being homeless."

She gritted her teeth, but she knew that what Drew said was right. She managed to reach a bench and sat there.

Then pulled out her phone.

"Hello?" A voice came. Annabeth was filled with kind, amazing memories.

"It's Annabeth..." she said, her voice breaking. "Please, I need help. Please."

"I'm on my way."

Slightly longer than usual chapter, and I said it was special but...

Ha ha! I your face! I'm not giving you Percabeth anytime soon! (I think)

It's only special cuz I FINALLY ended Lukabeth!

Sorry I made it kinda sad for Annabeth...

Also the next chapter's definitely a filler (I have a vague idea, but I know that much)

I'll try and update tomorrow or the day after (I got SOOOOOOOOO MUCH HOMEWORK! AHHHHH!)

Word count 767

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