Just get together already part 1

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Gods no. She couldn't believe it. Piper? Of all the people? And where the hell was Jason? She never cried. But this time, she couldn't stop. Luke had promised to love her. He promised.

Her vision was blurry from all the tears and all she wanted to do was get away from the party. She was almost out of there when she bumped into her.


If she was here dancing with Jason, then... who?

Piper was clearly shocked to see her that way. She signalled Jason to get Percy. He ran off immediately.

"Annabeth!Annabeth! You okay?"

"He cheated on me. Pipes, he cheated on me.And he promised."

"Annabeth, it's okay. He's a jerk. You deserve someone like Pe— like whose much better than him." She said, as she dragged her into a remote corner.

"But wait, if you're here, then who was the girl with brown hair and a pink dress? With him" Annabeth asked, wiping away the tears.

That's when Percy came running. "Jason... Luke...bad" He panted.

"What did he do Annabeth?" Percy asked.

"Made out with another girl." Annabeth mumbled.

Percy grimaced, but didn't look too surprised. "Wanna punch him or judo flip him? I volunteer to help."

"Me too!" Piper said. "No one hurts my friends."

"No guys, it's okay."

They both looked shocked. "But..." Percy started. She held her finger to his lips and her stormy grey eyes glinted.

"I'll deal with him myself."

Their months of dating was now over, Annabeth didn't need him or anyone. She'd been alone all those years and she'd toughened up. She had faced reality before and she had no trouble in doing it again.

'But he promised." A voice in her head thought.

'He wasn't really bad.' The same voice said.

She shook it off. But she knew she couldn't bring herself to punch the person who had many months ago, been kind to her, been gentle and had welcomed her when she felt alone.

Yet she walked up to him with steely confidence. He was still making out with someone.

Gods it was Drew. Drew Tanaka. She gave her a cold stare and walked up to Luke who was sweating and completely red in the face.

She walked up to him and slapped him. Things probably escalated after that but all she could remember was Ares running to help Luke and Percy dragging her away in the Prius a little while later.

When she woke up next it was almost dawn and she was on the couch in her Aunt's house

Percy was sleeping on a chair in the kitchen and he was drooling.

"Annabeth..." he murmured in his sleep.

She smiled. As much as she liked Luke, even after him cheating on her, she knew that she'd never stop liking Percy.
'But he doesn't think about you that way, you're just his best friend. And honest Annabeth, for all you know, Percy has a crush on someone already and that someone isn't you.' She constantly reminded herself.

Little did she know...

How was it?

I love the fan art it's just perfect (for the Last Olympian)

Word count 534

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❤️ ~Rajita

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