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Percy would be lucky not to drool. Annabeth looked gorgeous. He wanted to date her. And he hated Luke. That jerk. Known to his friends as the real bully. Ares was like his crony. Percy shuddered at the thought of him with Annabeth. His best friend Annabeth

'Schist, Percy. Shut up. As long as she's happy.'

They got into Paul's Prius.

"So why didn't Luke come?" He asked.

"Uhh, he didn't say. He does this pretty often though."

"Huh." He said, frowning. Idiot of a Luke. Annabeth was a queen, a literal queen.

"So, did you speak to Thalia after today's car ride?" Annabeth asked smiling.

"If you wanna know, she hasn't asked Reyna out yet."

"That sucks. They're sooo cute and it's obvious they like each other."

"Yet you can't see the obvious if it's in front of you..." Percy muttered.

"What was that?"

"Eh, nothing."

"Okay then."

"Annabeth..." Percy asked, nervously.


"How nice is Luke?"

"Honestly? He's okay I guess. He disappears often and he doesn't like me hanging out with you guys especially but yep, other than that and the fact that he keeps indirectly insulting you, he's okay."

"Huh. Well, you'll always have me."

She put her hand on his shoulder and said, "I know, Seaweed Brain, I know."

When they finally reached, they were greeted by a probably drunk Nico.

"Heeeeeyo guys! Awwww you two are sooo cute!"

"Uhh... Nico, have you seen Luke? Annabeth has to go." He said, glancing awkwardly at him .

He pouted. "Well it does suck that you two aren't da—." And Will saved the day by dragging his Nico away smiling sheepishly.

He yelled back, "I apologise for my boyfriend!"

Percy started at the pair of them. Then he screamed, "Yes, finally!"
Then he ran up to them and hugged them and Nico almost choked. "Pe-er-cy you're choking me!"

Percy just grinned and screamed, "SOLANGELO!"

Annabeth stood there, smiling.

Then she told him, "See you around, Perce."


Drew really went all out on parties. She'd practically invited everyone. But she still couldn't see Luke.

And then she saw him.

Making out with a girl with chocolate brown hair.

She croaked, "Piper?"

Hello guys, I actually have a plan for the next chapter! That's a first!
Sorry this chapter is kinda short but you have just a little bit of Percabeth there! And Solangelo is official but there probably won't be that much of it cause it's a Percabeth book so yep...

Word count 450 -_-

How was it?

The fan arts pretty awesome!

Is this sorta thing a cliffhanger? Cause I think it is, right?

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