Underrated Friendships

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Percy was her first thought. What had  happened? It couldn't have been that bad. As much as Annabeth sounded like a wreck, she knew that she'd have to check on Percy first.

When she reached his place, Sally opened the door.

"Oh... it's you Piper. I was expecting someone else. Percy's been in his room all day. And he's not telling me what's wrong. I tried calling Annabeth but she didn't pick up."

Piper just nodded as she advanced towards Percy's room.

On her way there, she was greeted by a cute toddler. Estelle Bofis.

"Pwi-per Pwer-cyyy's sad."

Piper looked into her large brown eyes. "I know, Estelle. Don't worry, he'll be fine soon."

"Okay." she said and she walked off.

Piper knocked on Percy's door. "Percy open up!"

"Go away Piper."


She heard a loud sigh. She was greeted by a mess of a Percy. His face was all blotchy and tear-stained.

Oh gods.
"What happened?You told her right? And we went through it. The worst that could've happened was her letting you down because she didn't feel the same way and that's a lie.

Percy just looked at her silently.

"Well, what happened?"Piper asked.

"Well I was going to tell her but then before that she told me she and Luke got back together." He said each word carefully, like he still couldn't believe it.


Schist. Poor Percy.  "What did she say? When you told her?"

"I can't." Percy said, looking miserable. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. "She probably won't ever speak to me again and sure, I may be able to get over a broken heart but I just lost my best friend."

This time, instead of sympathy, Piper just felt anger. Towards Annabeth. Sure, she was her friend, but so was Percy. And right then, Percy needed her more.

She enclosed him in a hug. "I'm calling Jason." she said. "He'll cheer you up."

"kay." Percy said.

On her way out, she met Estelle.

"Hi Pwi-per, can I meet Pwer-cy? Mommy said to wait."

Piper picked her up. "Sure, c'mon lets go meet him."

"Percy?" Piper called out.

"Yeah?" Came a voice from inside.

"Estelle wants you."

And Piper shut the door seeing the two of them hugging.

She had a friend to confront.

Don't you think the title's appropriate?

I dunno, I totally love their friendship. And the fan art.

Word count 440

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