I Never Thought I'd Find This Feeling

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-9 years later-

"Oi, Sass Queen! Get back here! You forgot to wash your dish!" Percy yelled.

"You forget to wash your dish all the time!" The seven year old's voice called out.

"I so do not!" Percy protested.

"You kinda do daddy." Her five year old son told him, while munching on a blue cookie.

"Jason Poseidon Jackson, you're supposed be on my side! The girls always win!"

"That's cause mommy is smarter than you." The reply was prompt.

"Thanks sweetie." She called back.

"No pwoblem mommy. You're wike a Wise Girl, w-ight? Aunty Piper two-ld me."

"True that." She said. "C'mon Percy. Get the movie ready." She said ruffling his hair.

"Then you call Sass Queen."

She sighed and got up. "Zoë Bianca Jackson, are you coming?"

"Nope. You and dad get gross when you watch movies with us." She said, sticking her tongue out at her.

She put her hands up in exasperation. On her way back, she ran into Jason. "Where are you going?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. "I'm soooo swick of that movie mommy! It's swoooo old! I'm going to go play with my fish tank."

She stood there for a while. It had been so long since she stumbled into him when they were seventeen. Now they had their two kids, Zoë , with her messy raven black hair like Percy's and grey eyes like her very own and who was sassier than her father. And Jason, named after the one and only Jason Grace (Who wasn't dead, but was his godfather), with curly honey blond hair and Percy's sea green eyes and kind personality. She sighed. They'd come a long, long way.

She jumped on the couch, almost making Percy fall off in the process.

She smirked. "I guess we're watching Finding Dori, then?"

He grinned that lopsided grin which still drove Annabeth mad.

"Yep." And Wise Girl, he said, leaning in to kiss her, " Love you."

She sighed contentedly, "As long as we're together Seaweed Brain."

Those sea green eyes looked at her.

"As long as we're together."

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