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"Hey there Luke." He turned around and smiled. "Hey Annabeth."

"So... you wanna grab something to eat then?" He asked awkwardly.

"Sure." Annabeth figured she was blushing. It wasn't like she'd been very popular back in California.

"So... what's up with you and Prissy?" He asked, munching on his Subway.

"Uhhh... one- who the heck is Prissy? And two- what do you mean what's up?" Annabeth asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Shoot I forgot Percy was your friend. How long have you known him? Because honestly, a person like you should avoid him."

Annabeth choked on her sprite. "Avoid my best friend?" She asked.

Luke looked upset. And that just made Annabeth angrier.

"You know, Luke, he warned me about you. So yeah, just leave me alone." And she walked off.

She was at the parking lot, trying to call her Aunt, when Luke came running up to her.

"Anna- Annabeth." He panted.


"I'm sorry, okay. I really am. I was just nervous because you're kinda scary you know." He chuckled.

She sighed.

"Look I liked you from the moment I saw you and I freaked out."

Now Annabeth had had it. What in HADES! Nobody liked her. Never. She was a weird, scary loner, right? But what if this was a chance for her? And Luke was nice right?

She liked him too...


"Okay Luke, it's a date. Pick me up Friday night. You choose."

He grinned. "You won't regret it. I promise you. Promise you'll be happy."


When in hades did Will start looking so cute ? Nico kept asking.

He sat on a bench after school just pondering. Will had just gone, and he had left Nico in a daze because he had kissed him.

Sure, it was on the cheek but Nico was petty sure his pale skin had turned tomato red.

That's when Jason came. Ugh. That guy would never stop bugging him.
Annoying as he could be, he had come out to Jason first. Weird. Considering they were barely alike.

For one, Jason was straight.

And Nico was nowhere near that.

"Hey Nico! You there!" Jason voice rang.

"Yep." Nico said still blushing.

"Ooooooh! Meee wannna hear everything! Hold on! I'm getting Percy! Oh and Hazel met a guy. He's a teddy bear. Literally. A Chinese-Canadian baby man, I guess. Leo gave him the name. He's the third wheel, I'm guessing."

"Woah, Jason slow down! My half-sister got a date? Nice." He grinned.

"Guess, we're all getting dates now. Poor Perce." Jason sighed.

Nico looked up. "You kidding? Have you seen the way he stares at that badass blondie?"

"Oh. My . Gods. Yess!" Jason exclaimed.

"You think she likes him?"

"I dunno man, I saw her and Luke getting pretty close a few days ago."

"Schist. Percy should do something. And speak of the devil."

Percy was walking up to them with cookie batter? all over his hair.

"What just happened?"

Percy sighed. "Long story."

"Do tell" Nico commented.

"Uhh, so Annabeth came over to pick up some brownies - we're neighbours I guess..."

"WHAt! Annabeth as in the Annabeth that beat Ares up on her first day of school?"

"Hot blondie?" Jason asked, winking.

"Ughhhh you guys! And yes, that Annabeth."

"Any which ways," Percy continued. "I didn't realise Luke Castellan was with her so I threw a brownie at her face. Just to have some fun."

"You idiot." Jason grinned.

"And then he walked in, told me to stay away from his girl and he threw all of my mum's cookie batter on me."

Nico noted how much emphasis he put on the word his.

"Hey Percy, don't worry, you'll get to tell Annabeth some day. Cause you know, Luke's been a jerk to more than a few girls."

"I guess. Oh and what was the Solangelo emergency again?"

Nico's eyes might as well have fallen from his face. He choked. "What did you say?"

Jason grinned, looking sheepish. "So the rest of us shipped you two since the beginning of time."

Nico looked positively shocked, " S O L A N G E L O?"

Percy laughed, "Look who's blushing, huh, Nico?"

"Shut up Jackson."

"So what happened?" Percy asked.

"Will kissed me onthecheek" Nico mumbled.

"OH. MY. GODS. YESSSS! FINALLY!" Percy and Jason squealed like two crazy fangirls and made Nico dance with them.

And Nico just thought, "I have the craziest best friends ever."

Hey guys...sorry this chapter is kinda crappy, I dunno, I'm sorta stuck and I'm not great at writing fluff (you may have noticed)

I love that fan art, it's just soooo cute

So you got your fair share of Lukabeth 😈 and a bit of Solangelo and some Bromance too.

Oh btw for Friday night, I have planned something 😈

Word count 813

I'll try to update tomorrow!

If anyone has ideas for the next chapter, do tell :)

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Love you guys❤️

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