A not-so-happy Reunion 1

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Piper hadn't heard from her in 7 years. 7 years since they had that dam fight. And 6 since she'd last seen her at graduation.

And though she was still mad at her for breaking Percy's heart (and she knew Percy want over her yet ) she also knew she had to help her. Because right then, on the phone, she sounded so scared. And Piper realised how much she herself needed her because after all those years, she missed her friend.

She checked Annabeth's location and drove as fast as she could.

And she couldn't believe what she saw.

Annabeth, her badass friend Annabeth looked like a wreck. She couldn't believe it. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were sunken, like she hadn't eaten much for a few days or weeks even and her leg was bleeding.

Piper sighed, and then braced herself. Even after all this time, she couldn't bear to see Annabeth like this.

She pulled over and got out. Before Annabeth could even say a word, Piper ran up to her and hugged her. She winced.

"Sorry it's just good to see you. C'mon. You're staying with me."

Annabeth just nodded. She seemed rather quiet, like she didn't have the energy to talk.

Piper showed her her room, and she looked grateful and then she crashed. She slept right till noon.

When she woke up, she went up to Piper,

"Hey Pipes, thanks."

"Anytime." Piper said. As Annabeth turned around to walk away, Piper stopped her.

"Is it okay if I call the gang over? They're all in town. Frank's going to propose to Hazel soon and they all got excited."

Annabeth smiled a bit and then said, "Sure, I'd like to meet them."

"Great." Then Piper remembered, "Oh Annabeth, why was your leg bleeding?"

Annabeth grimaced, "A crazy woman kicked me."

"Oh. Okay." Piper wasn't fully convinced, but at least Luke hadn't been hurting her, right?

Cause if he had, she would definitely plan his murder.

A short filler, sorry guys. I have to do some weird graph thing with velocity and blah blah.

Apologies in advance: the next chapter is a slightly long filler

The fan art is sooo awesome it made me cry (anyone reminded of when she comes back from Tartarus?)

Forgot to ask: when she called, did you think she spoke to Percy?
Cause if you did, the you know I'm 😈 evil

Word count 427

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Thank you sooooo much for sooooo many votes! I couldn't believe I reached 100+!

Love you guys ❤️


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