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Dread filled her. Poor Jason. Poor Percy. Jason was his best friend. The others.

She hugged Percy and asked, "Should we tell? What about Nico and Will? It's a special day for him, too, as is Hazel's and Frank's. Leo... Piper..."

Percy looked at her, "We'll have to."

"Okay." She said, nodding. She started unraveling herself from his embrace when he pulled her back.

"Wise Girl..." He said with tears in his eyes. "I can't tell them... could you?"

"Shush... Percy, she said, hugging his tighter. "I'll tell them."

It was awful, to say the least. Nico and Will were doing a chicken dance, they were all smiling and laughing, when Annabeth told them.

They'd all gone pale and Leo ran away, as did Nico. Will tried running after him, but Piper held him back. "Will..." she said, her voice strained, like it was almost gone. "Give him time."
Thalia walked off with a cold and empty look in her eyes. She'd just gotten her brother back in high school. In fact, they found out at graduation. She'd been so happy that time, it felt like an eternity ago.

"We must have hope." Hazel said, looking at all of them with her large, sad, golden eyes.

Annabeth nodded and walked back to where Percy was standing. The blue Prius.
She looked at him once, and then, without a word, got in.


Jason. Jason was practically his big brother. He'd come out to him first, he'd helped him through his depression, he trusted him with everything. Right from his crush on Will, to his darker secrets. And now, he could be gone. Forever.

He blinked back the tears. He had to survive. They all needed him. He was Jason Grace,  Thalia Grace's sister. Friend. Best friend. And it hurt.

That's when Nico spotted a familiar figure on a bench. Leo Valdez. And he was crying.

Nico came up to him. "Leo..." he tried saying.

"No Nico! Go away! You don't understand! Piper and Jason are like my only family! I mean, we're roommates! He... he was there for me when my mum died. He was there when my Aunt didn't want me. He was there for me when I got into awful foster homes. He was there." Leo said, tears streaming down his face.

Nico looked at him, the dark eyes staring into the now broken brown ones.
"I know, Leo. I know." He said, quietly.

After a while, Leo calmed down. And they spent the rest of the time talking, just like friends.


He felt awful. Why did he have such awful luck? First, his dad died, then there was Gabe, then for a while, when he was in middle school with Annabeth and Jason, it was better. Then the threats and bullying in high school and then not seeing Annabeth for so long and then finding out about what Luke had done to her. And now Jason.

Could his luck get any worse?

But at least he had Annabeth. They rushed to the hospital.

"Who do you want to see?" The receptionist asked.

"Jason." Annabeth cut in. "Jason Grace."

She smiled at them. "He's recovering from his surgery right now. Second floor, room B, the one with the brick wall."

Percy snorted and Annabeth smiled. "Brick Boy." They said together. Then Percy realised something. "Wait, he's alive? He's going to be okay?"

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