I Just Wanna Be Part Of Your Symphony 2

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He could see the emotions whizzing through Annabeth's brain.  Shock, anger, confusion, realisation but not acceptance.

And she did a good job of hiding it too, but Percy knew how she felt.
Then she turned red and got extremely fidgety and and played with a strand of hair in front of her face.

She finally managed to mumble, " I'm sorry, I didn't know and Ishouldnthavedonethat."

Percy smiled, and even though he knew that it was wrong, he so badly wanted to kiss her again.

"Ehhh Wise Girl, we all make mistakes. Wanna grab some more ice cream?"

"Sure, but not that awful flavour. And hold on now, I've to go wipe the ice cream off."

Percy laughed and said, "My bad."

She punched his arm gently, "Seaweed Brain." She muttered.

By the time she came back, Percy realised he hadn't moved an inch. And he was drooling. And Annabeth looked amazing. Tired, yes and she had a slightly scared look in her eyes, but Percy figured that was the effect of the unexpected kiss; but she still looked amazing. And right up till that moment, Percy hadn't realised how much he missed her.

"You're drooling." She noted.

"So I've been told." Percy said winking.

"Oh come on Percy."

"They got their ice creams (Percy with the same blue one) and well, just talked.

"So where do you live? You still in New York?" He asked.

"Percy I've been in New York since high school." She said, grimacing, like it was an unpleasant memory.

"Oh." Percy said.

"Didn't you go to California to study?"

"I did. Marine Biology. I teach it here now. And I'm presuming you were the architect who had to give the lecture today?"

She blushed. "Yeah."

"Oh and I'm staying with Piper right now."

"Piper? But I met Piper a week ago and she didn't say a word about you!" Percy exclaimed, frowning.

"Yeah no, I moved in a few days ago."

"Oh. But wait, where were you before then?" Percy asked, pressing the matter.

She shut her eyes. "Percy, I do not want to talk about it."

Uh oh. Guess he had triggered something. He'd have to ask Piper about it later.

"Did you know Piper and Jason stopped dating?"

"Oh." She said, raising her eyebrows. "I didn't."

"Yeah. And Jason just got into the Police Force a year ago!"

"That's awesome!" She said, smiling.

The small talk went on for a while, until Annabeth finally asked him the golden question.

"Percy, who's your fiancée?"

"Oh. Uhh... um..."

"Percy?" He wanted to be a part of Annabeth's life, and not just as a friend. He still loved her. But he sighed and remembered not to overstep. The kiss meant nothing...


"Drew. Drew Tanaka."

And Annabeth spat the ice cream in his face.

Okay siriusly guys I will not update for the next two days I have to solve sixty sums and blah blah (you don't wanna hear it)

Ooooh did anyone think it was Rachel or Calypso or someone? Ugh I hate Drew.

Weeeooo I love that fan art

I'm just thinking, does this count as a cliffhanger?

Be safe everyone! (Had to put that there, I don't want you guys to get sick!)

Word count 558

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