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Category: Monster

Commonality: Rare, Manufactured

Hazard Level: MODERATE-LOW

Descriptors: Reanimated corpse

Magical Nature: Essence

Typical Geography: Ruins, sites of massive death and tragedy

The Wiedergänger is a class of monster, rather than a monster itself. Generally, however, the variance is little, as the concept is always the same; a dead body, brought to life. The body can be that of a human, elf, or dragon, the last being the least common, or that of dogs, cats, or even monsters. The revived monsters are rarely as strong as their living counterparts, however.

The Wiedergänger's strength depends on how it came to be. A naturally occurring one can range from very weak, frail, and pathetic, to about as strong as an average soldier. Manufactured ones, however, can be given significantly extra Essence, making them stronger, faster, and capable of more complex commands. This typically involves the addition of Conceptual Magic and a program gem.

Defeating them is no different from defeating the living for a natural one. The manufactured creatures, however, must have their program gem destroyed to render the corpse inanimate once more. Failure to destroy it will cause the creature to continue on endlessly, attempting to fulfill its purpose.

To create a Wiedergänger is illegal around the world due to laws regarding the respecting of the dead and abuse of Essence. Individuals found guilty of this face various severe punishments, from loss of limb to death. The individuals who perform such magic, then, should be treated as extremely hostile and dangerous due to their disregard for the sanctity of life.

To anyone, the creature itself is little threat. The intention behind it, however, is what determines how dangerous the situation really is.

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