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Category: Monster

Commonality: Extremely Rare

Hazard Level: EXTREME

Descriptors: Hideously deformed combination of an intelligent hominid and Pale; black, leathery skin

Magical Nature: Fundamental

Typical Geography: Abandoned places

Terrifying in the same sense as the Pale, these monsters are hideous, deformed beings filled with rage and fear. They lash out at anything that dares draw near as if they have been recently hurt. It is unknown where they come from, but well-known that they tend to go to places that were recently and fully abandoned by the previous owners.

Oftentimes, it seems that these creatures develop a personal connection to whatever place they come to inhabit, and defend it viciously. Adventurers who think to plunder abandoned estates will often find one waiting in the main property, sitting quietly, fiddling with one thing or another that the creature found and latched onto. While they are not intelligent, they do appear capable of some emotion.

These monsters are strong, agile, and much larger than a Pale. In actual combat, they are substantially more dangerous than a Pale, but this fight is much more easily avoided. They have no eyes; only crude sensory organs that can pick up heat signatures; and will often not attack on sight, but rather cower first and warn the would-be victim. If the individual moves in any way not clearly exiting, the Wretch will lunge in.

It is unknown why these creatures live the way they do, as no one has ever attempted to capture one alive. Due to their tendency not to come to heavily populated places, most governments have them low on the priority hit lists.

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