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Category: Man-made Monster

Commonality: Created

Hazard Level: Moderate

Descriptors: Large, hulking, hominid-looking  beast with a fish's head and several tentacles coming off its shoulders

Magical Nature: Essence

Typical Geography: Created

The Stomper is a monster, but primarily in terms of how it comes to be and how it is possible to utilize it. Due to their strength, some organizations have attempted to create them for use in battle, though this has never proven useful. These creatures are astoundingly dumb, and no process has been uncovered to remedy this issue. Ultimately, they are typically used as laborers for heavy object movement.

They are created by taking a Black Diamond imbued with several souls and casting several enchantments. As the body forms, the souls join with the creation and become one. The process of creating them is widely known, though none would ever openly acknowledge creating them. If discovered and pascified, it is legal to keep them for studies and other magical works, though looked down upon by many. 

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