The League of Scholars

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The League of Scholars is a simple organization around the world, promoting education for all, research, and the advancement of knowledge. More often than not, exceptional individuals from this group participate in the research projects that result in new technologies and materials, like Titanium and various energy technologies. They actually found their origins when they invented the printing press.

While the League does not itself administer or run universities, it does act as a communication and sharing hub for many of the world's educational institutions. Members can donate money or time to the League to support it, and many universities require this of their professors and researchers in exchange for research resources. 

The League is strongly connected to the Seekers and provides a great deal of aid to the Eradicators in an effort to make the world a better place. In the past, it has also attempted to bring education to war-ravaged regions and poor areas to lift people up, but the conflicts that breed in these locations make it difficult for them to operate and they often have to leave before they can finish. 

Make no mistake, while the League itself is righteous in its goal, many of its members are solely concerned about their standing and reputation in the academic world, and seek to leave some sort of legacy behind. The League does not particularly care about the intentions of its members, so long as they do not actually do anything morally reprehensible, and they support the spread of knowledge around the world. They believe that knowledge is the key to all success, and to see the world succeed, they will spread it to the best of their ability.

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