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Koopjetism is the modern adaptation of ancient Mohrnighan religion, based on existing hieroglyphics, translated texts, and folklore. Due to a lack of knowledge about a great deal of ancient Mohrnighan lore, it primarily centers around a being known as the Pact-Maker.

While it is believed ancient Mohrnighan lore centered around something that may have led to modern Cosmicism, Koopjetism solely follows the Pact-Maker. The primary goal of Koopjetism is to make deals with the Pact-Maker, believing this "god", so to speak, to be the ultimate power in the universe. Bargaining is a sacred tradition in Koopjetism, and regions where it (or localized variant) is prominent take great pride in haggling.

Little information is really available on who or what the Pact-Maker is. Koopjetists believe it to be the closest thing to "God" to exist in the world, and therefore worthy of worship and pursuit. Others believe it to be a spirit or series of spirits abusing the ill-informed for their own nefarious purposes. And most believe it not to really exist. Few accounts exist of encounters with the Pact-Maker, and those that do are dubious at best.

While this system of belief is very old, its primary locale in modern times is the UGRA, with additional pockets in the Freelands, Hase, and Vaporis. There is no central, unified body of worship for Koopjetists, as the nature of their pursuit is very self-serving and only one can come out the winner. The closest thing to a central body of worship to be found is the Covenant, though this is more like a terrorist group abusing the minds of the uneducated than a genuine, organized religious body.

The idea of morality is less relevant to Koopjetists, as they simply believe that the Pact-Maker is the ultimate power and must be appeased in the form of making deals. Any time a deal is made, that is good. When a deal is either refused, or the terms are violated, that is bad. There is little room for gray areas.

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