Faceless Shadow

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Category: Monster

Commonality: Extremely Rare

Hazard Level: DEATH (EVENTUAL)

Descriptors: A man with no face

Magical Nature: Essence, Unknown

Typical Geography: Unknown

The Faceless Shadow has never actually been seen by anyone alive today, as far as any concerned know. It is not strictly a monster, or ghost, or anything in any category due to how little is known of it. All that is known is that those who claim to see it disappear.

Artists' renderings of descriptions provided by victims simply show a man with no face. The clothes will change or not appear at all, depending on the person or place, but the lack of a face is key to identifying it. The monster haunts its victims for an unknown period of time before eventually claiming them.

There is no way to fight it. There is no way to escape it. It does not progress with any aggression or haste, and its reasons for this are unknown. Those who claim to have been haunted by a Faceless Shadow say it came from another world, a place built on fear and darkness.

No one even knows if the Shadow takes the souls of its victims, as no victim has ever been found.

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