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Category: Monster

Commonality: Extremely Rare

Hazard Level: EXTREME

Descriptors: Deformed, spindly hominid with long, bladed fingers and jagged teeth; large, deep black eyes

Magical Nature: Illusion

Typical Geography: Unknown; Most often encountered in dark places

The Pale is like something out of a nightmare. Thin, spindly limbs and bladed fingers and jagged teeth give it the appearance of a deformed predator, but it is far from deformed. It is the ultimate indoor killing machine. Capable of moving extremely quickly and with great agility, it attacks with savage ferocity the likes of which few beings are able to muster.

The Pale is known for ripping its victims to shreds and consuming the bloody, pulpy remains on the spot like a starved dog. People walking in on their loved ones being devoured, adventurers being ambushed deep inside a cave system, and sewer cleaners bathing the walls with blood are among the many horrifying stories to tell about this creature.

Fighting this creature requires luck and skill together. Protection magic around the warrior is vital to keep the Pale from attacking from random directions, and can be used to pin it against a wall. Should one manage to keep it from scampering about, it is critical to remain vigilant of its bladed fingers to avoid becoming its next meal. Immobilization is the only way to have a chance of defeating this abomination.

Some variants, though uncommon as they are, do exist of this creature. One of the more terrifying variants is known as the Wendigo, a slightly bulkier version with antlers and uncertain origins. Some say it is the result of an experiment to cross humans with a Pale using Essence Magic, and the experiment went out of control and allowed the creature to create more of itself. If encountered, it is said it will either consume the individual or turn them into a Wendigo somehow. Regardless, this variant is best killed as quickly as possible.

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