Chapter 9

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She couldn't understand why she was so drawn to him. Something about him enticed her. He was intriguing and for some reason he was stuck in her mind. She studied the back of his perfectly buz-cut head, the fact that his hair was only 3cm long and lined perfectly around the top of his neck. The way it wrapped itself neatly around the edge of his ears. It was strange for her to feel even the remotest feeling of admiration or to want to be close to someone. The only thing she had ever known was death and to kill; but to Maggie, it was justifying the most inhumane acts someone could commit. Still, the family business was to be honored and not disgraced.

Maggie averted her gaze as Jackson marched into the room and claimed the seat next to her. He seemed to be worked up, anger ran through his veins as he spat his words.

"Hey! Testicle left and right. What the hell is a Kanima?"

Maggie, Scott and Stiles shot around quickly and glared at Jackson.

"Paralyzed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what that feels like?" he snarled.

"I'm familiar with the sensation" Stiles sighed as he turned his attention back to the chalk board at the front of the room.

"Why would Derek test you? Why would he think it was you?" Scott questioned.

"how should I know?" he said, irritation running through his voice.

"Wait - does he think its Lydia?" Maggie questioned as she snapped her head towards Jackson.

"I don't know. All I heard was her name and something about chemistry" Jackson sighed as their teacher approached them.

"Jackson! Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

"Um - just an undying admiration for my - my coach" Jackson smirked.

"That's really kind of you" their teacher smiled, admiring Jackson effort at a fake compliment "Now shut up! Shut it! Anybody else?"

"how do we know its not her?" Scott whispered continuing their conversation.

"Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay? And what I saw was pure evil" Stiles explained. "And when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see 50% evil"
Scott stared at Stiles with his eyebrows raised."All right, maybe 60. You know, but no more than 40 on a good day" he finished.

Maggie didn't know why, but Stiles' comment really got to her. The moment he mentioned Lydia, her chest began to tighten and her hands started to shake. She didn't understand how or why she was feeling this way. In an attempt to figure out her feelings her eyes searched the room for Lydia. They settled on her as she stood trembling at the front of the class room, chalk in hand. Her cheeks were stained with makeup and her eyes were full of fear. Her chest was bouncing up and down as she failed to control her breathing.

"Lydia?" their teacher questioned. He glanced at the board behind her. "okay does anyone else want to try? Preferably in English this time"

"What is that? Greek?" Scott asked confused.

"No, I think it is English" Maggie said as the took a picture of the board and flipped the image around. Lydia had asked for help. Written backwards of the board was 'someone help me'.

"oh my-" Styles began.

"Derek is outside waiting for Lydia!" Scott said, anger filling his voice as they all crammed inside the janitors cupboard.

"waiting to kill her?" Allison asked, fearful for her best friend.

"It's not her" Stiles insisted. He begged Maggie for help with his eyes. She stumbled for her words and stared at the floor with regret. All the signs pointed to Lydia.

"It doesn't matter, because Derek thinks it's her. So either we can convince him that he's wrong, or we've got to figure out a way to protect her" Allison stated.

"There must be something in the bestiary to prove he's wrong" Maggie said, her mind finally giving her a remotely good idea.

"Oh, you mean the 900 - page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that" Stiles snapped, his face instantly filling with regret as he looked at Maggie. He opened his mouth to apologize but was interrupted by Allison.

"Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it"

Stiles and Maggie just stared at each other. Both of them trying to figure out what to say to each other to ease the tension in the room. Their eyes connected for the longest second. His breathing intensified as he fumbled with his hands before picking up a small crossbow that Allison had placed down and turning his attention to the trigger. Within a second an arrow had shot from the bow and darted for Scott. Maggie gasped as Scott's hand shot up instinctively and caught the speeding arrow.

"Sorry..." Stiles whispered "My bad"

Maggie rolled her eyes playfully and stifled a small laugh as they all slowly walked out of the small room.

"Be careful" Scott said quietly before he took off down the hallway. Maggie had never seen such concern in his eyes before; and if the wolf was scared, what hope did the rest of them have?

Am I in Stile? - Stiles Silinski (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now