Chapter 16

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She didn't like the idea of staying at school any longer than she had to on a normal day let alone spending an extra hour sat in the library for detention. The sheer thought of sitting around a desk in silence, listening to each other breath for 60 minutes was enough to make her sick. Still, she had no choice but to sit there and endure 3600 seconds of carbon dioxide being expelled from the body of teenage delinquents. Reluctantly, she pulled a chair out from underneath the chestnut table and sat down on top of its small design. The green padding below her was completely useless in ain't the comfortability of whoever had the misfortune of selecting it.

"Oh, we can't be in detention together , I have a restraining order against these tools" Jackson said as he pointed at Scott and Stiles who proceeded to take a seat on the table opposite him with Erica.

"All those tools?" Mr Harris said as he gestured towards everyone that resided inside the four walls of the book overloaded room.

"No. Just us tools" Stiles sighed as he and Scott rose from their chairs slightly.

"Fine. You too, over there" Mr Harris directed as he guided the boys over to the table at which Maggie sat rather unappealingly. She waved her fingers at the boys and smiled as she raised her eyebrows in annoyance of the entire situation.

"I'm gonna kill him" Scott said with a face full of determination as he pulled his seat out and sat directly opposite Maggie. She smirked a little and pursed her lips together in an attempt to not burst out laughing at his remark

"No. No you're not. You're gonna find out who's controlling him and then your gonna save him" Stiles stated as he glared at Scott from his seat next to Maggie.

"No. You were right before. Let's kill him"

"I second that" Maggie stated as she placed her elbow on the table and raised her hand slightly.

"No" Stiles said as he glared back and forth between the two of them. Maggie chuckled under her breath slightly as she watched Stiles scan through the room of troubled teenagers. "Hey. What if its Matt" he said, nodding towards a male student who was completely obsessed with his camera. Maggie recognised him from her mother's funeral, her grandfather stripped the camera out of his hands and crushed the memory card that it once contained. She furrowed her eyesbrows together as she studied him.

"This whole thing does come back to the video recording. He was the one who found out there was 2 hours of footage missing" Maggie pointed out as she continued to focus her gaze on the dark haired boy who sat next to her cousin.

"Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion of himself" Stiles said slamming his hands of the table in hopes he's gotten it right.

"So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your jeep?" Scott asked in confusion.


"But why?" he asked again, his confusion growing.

"Because....beca- because he's evil" Stiles stumbled as he tried to come up with a realistic answer.

"You just don' t like him" Scott stated as he smirked at Stiles from the opposite side of the table.

"The guy - Bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face" Stiles stumbled as Maggie tapped him slightly on the shoulder.

"Guys. Look at Jackson" she stated, slightly scared as Jackson's hands covered his face and he seemed to shake in pain. She shifted in her seat slightly to get a better view as Jackson pushed himself up away from the table, still covering his sweating face, and stumbled out of the library.

"I have to get some water" he mumbled quietly as he pushed open the door and disappeared down the allway.

"Nobody leaves their seats!" Mr Harris stated strictly as he followed the ill looking student towards the bathrooms. Maggie turned her attention back to Scott and Stiles as she darted towards Erica's table and bombarded her with questions. She couldn't help but think that Stiles was right, there was something odd about Matt's character. Something that made her feel uneasy and shaken to the very bone; she just didn't know what it was.

"Maybe it is him" she mumbled to herself as Matt scanned through whatever he was readying on his tablet.

"Well, I'm leaving" the teacher mocked as he returned to the room and reached for his bag "You guys can stay here until - until you have restocked the shelves" He smirked before leaving the students alone in the school building.

"Great" she mumbled as she walked over to the cart covered in books and began placing them on their correct shelves. She pushed the cart into the second aisle before she was joined by her inquisitive friends.

"So listen, Erica told me Jacksons biological parents died June 14th" Stiles said, one hand on the metal cart and the other on the bookcase behind him "Jackson's birthday is on the 15th"

"So what does that mean?" Allison asked as she picked up a book and held it proctectivly close to her chest.

"It means his mom had him by C-section. They had to pull him out of her dead body" Maggie grimaced as she closed her eyes, partly from discust but also from the idea that something like that could actually happen.

"So was it an accident or not?" Allison asked in confusion as she placed the book she was holding next to a few others on the messy shelving unit.

"The repot says inconclusive" Stiles sighed.

"Then his parents could have been murdered" Scott pointed out.

"If they were, then it falls in line with the kanima myth you know? It seeks out and kills murderers"

"Yeah but for Jackson or the person controlling him?" Maggie asked as the lights above their heads began to flash.

"We need to talk to him" Scott said as he began to walk out of the aisle.

"He's not gonna listen" Allison said calling after him as he disappeared around the corner.

"And he's gone" Maggie sighed slightly as she shook her head at her impatient friend.

"Get down!" Stiles yelled as the ceiling above Maggie's head came crashing down. He pulled her sharply by the arm as the materials bounced of the floor beneath her feet. Books flew from the shelves beside them as the room shook. His hand grasped hers rightly as he held her close against the bookcase and away from the rubble as the sound of snarling echoed through the room. He brushed the stray strand hair out of her face as he checked for any cuts and bruises. "Are you okay?"

"I think so" she breathed as she nodded at him, his soft eyes locked on hers. Although he seemed full of panic his eyes never showed a hint of weakness. "I think it's Jackson"

As she whispered quietly towards her friends they edged towards the end of the aisle where Jackson stood, half covered in scales and flicking his head side to side. His posture couldnt be described as anything but demonic. His eyes were empty and his hand moved quickly across the chalk board that stood beside him. As he wrote his head continued to move aimlessly side to side before he screeched loudly and smashed through the glass window on the side of the building.

"Oh my god" Maggie breathed as she moved closer towards the chalk board to read what was written.


Am I in Stile? - Stiles Silinski (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now