Chapter 5

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The blaring noise of an alarm clock rang throughout the entire room, her ears popped with the sudden sound as she shot up from under her blankets. She was cocooned within the fires of the material, it hugged her as it protected her from the world; how she longed to stay there. She reluctantly opened her eyes as she removed the duvet from her body. Three days she had been here and already she'd further disgraced her families name, maybe it was time for history to repeat itself again. 

She swung her legs of the bed and paced across the creaking floorboards. Her cupboards were covered in nothing but dust since she hadn't bothered to unpack, she didn't realize how long her Grandpa was planning on staying. Slowly she traced her name, parting the dust that danced underneath her skin. Just a moment later and she was back in reality, pulling her navy blue jumper over her head and slipping her shoes into her already-too-tight trainers. 

Her locker seemed to wave at her as she entered the old building. Only two steps into its interior and she was already surrounded by yelling teenagers. She clicked in her combination before throwing her bag into the empty space and grabbing her gym kit. Exercise was her worst enemy, yet the education system made sure she had to endure it. Every step towards the gym hall was light a bullet to the head, it was just one more foot towards teenage humiliation. 

She watched as Allison and Scott climbed the fake wall, Allison was grinning from ear to ear as Scott smirked at her. They were whispering to each other before she took off energetically, getting higher and higher on the wall. In the space of a blink Scott was right next to her once again. Maggie furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion, there was something going on that she hadn't been informed of; yet she was determined to find out what it was. Scott seemed to fall to the ground yelping as he stopped just three inches from the floor, everyone burst into fits of laughter as placed his hand of his chest and chuckled. Maggie's eyes scanned the room for a particular laugh, her eyes locked with another pair as she tilted her head at the seemingly shy boy. He looked at her confused, like he was trying to figure her out. 

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right? All right, next two. Stilinski, Erica, let's go. The wall" coach said as the boy averted eye contact and began to buckle the harness around his stomach. Something about him interested her, he seemed to be too familiar with the towns mishaps. Maggie snapped out of her thoughts as she heard short panicked breathes coming from above her. She moved closer to the wall in an attempt to calm the fragile girl as she hyperventilated. 

"Oh please..." Eric whispered to herself as she hardened her grip on the handles on the wall. 

"Erica. Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach asked partly seeming concerned for the small girl. 

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out" Lydia said sighing as she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows at the body of the girl who was clinging onto the wall. 

"I'm fine..." she managed to shake out before closing her eyes once more and attempting to carry on up the wall. 

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic" Allison said panicking as she coach turned to her in panic. 

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? I have to get - Erica, y - you're fine. Just - Just kick off from the wall. Th - There's a mat to catch you. Come on." Coach guided as she slowly slipped her fingers away from the plastic handles and lowered herself to the ground. Maggie let out a long releaved breath as she walked up to her. 

"See, you're fine. You're on the ground Eric, you're alright okay?" Maggie said holding on to Erica's arm as she pulled her up from the ground. Eric refused to participate in any type of communication as she ran out of the gym room and into the girls dressing rooms. Maggie and Allison locked eyes before attempting to follow the girl, only to lose her as we made it to the door. Allison shrugged her shoulders before taking off to her next lesson. 

"Some girls just aren't cut out for those type of things" Lydia smirked as she walked past Maggie and changed into her casual clothes. Maggie rolled her eyes at Lydia before walking back into the gym room and taking a seat on the bleachers. Something about this just didn't seem right. As if on cue Erica slowly walked back into the room and once again took hold of the wall and started to make her way up. Her movements were slow yet she seemed entirely sure of her actions. Maggie carefully pushed herself up from her seat and slowly made her way towards Erica, who was now further up the wall. Before Maggie had the chance to think she was darting towards Erica as she let go of the wall. Scott grabbed her before she connected with the floor. 

"Put her on her side. Put her on her side. How'd you know?" Allison said to Scott as she helped him move Erica's lifeless body. 

"I just felt it..." Scott tried to whisper back. Suddenly every puzzle piece began fixing themselves together in Maggie's mind. His movements, his speed, the way he spoke. She snapped her head towards Allison who in returned looked at her panicked. She shook her head at Alison before pushing herself to her feet and calling an ambulance. 

"Mag, Maggie wait!" Allison shouted as Maggie stormed away from the scene she just witnessed. "Maggie!"

"Are you kidding me Allison?" Maggie questioned. Her body filled with anger as her blood began to boil. Her hands made their way to her hair as she pulled at it in frustration. Allison's eyes looked at her pleadingly. 


"Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?" 

Allison refused to reply, instead she folded her arms and sighed to herself as Maggie paced through the girls dressing rooms. She had no words. Her voice box refused to work as she banged her fists onto the lockers. 

"You're dating a bloody werewolf Allison!"

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