Chapter 19

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"I really don't understand how a ring of mountain Ash is enough to keep a supernatural being trapped" Maggie sighed as she rubbed her temples and rested her elbows on the table in front of her. "It's just.... Dust"

Stiles snickered at her as he covered his lips with his hands to stifle the laugh that was working its way out of his lips. As Scott glared at him in annoyance, Stile pushed himself away from the table, coughed awkwardly and lent against the wall that stood behind him.

"It's from the Mountain Ash tree, which is believed by may cultures to protect against the supernatural. This office is lined with Ashwood, making it difficult for someone like Scott to cause me any trouble" the 'vet' explained as he tipped the small jar up and down in his hands. Maggie furrowed her eyebrows at him in confusion as she shook her head slightly attempted to understand what Deaton was saying to her.

"Okay, so then what? I just spread this around the whole building and then either Jackson or whoever's controlling him can't cross it?" Stiles asked as he examined the small jar of dust.

"They'll be trapped" Deaton nodded.

"Doesn't sound too hard" Scott said, pursing his lips and nodding, finally feeling like they had discovered a way to stop the Kanima and save Jackson.

"I still think its just dust" Maggie said, placing her elbow on the cold metal table and raising her hand into the air slightly.
"Not all there is. This of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it. You need to be that spark Stiles" Deaton stated.

"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that" Stiles pointed out, slightly alarmed for his safety.
"Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish" Deaton said, proud of his analogy.

"Force of will" Stiles concluded.

"Still, just dust"

"Hey,it's going to work" Stiles said, slipping the small jar into his pocket.

"Okay, so magic dust" she sighed as she grabbed another jar from the shelf and followed both Stiles and Scott out to the blue jeep that sat out front. The cold night air made its way through the thin vest and jacket that Maggie had urgently wrapped around herself the moment she stepped foot outside. As she slipped into the back of the vehicle she reached for the spare jacket that occupied the seat beside her and held it over her cold torso. She could smell his cologne on the soft collar as she pulled it closer towards her in an attempt to keep even the smallest amount of warmth in her body.
"Cold?" Stiles chuckled as he glanced at the small girl through his rear-view mirror. She nodded slightly as she shivered and waited patiently for him to pull up outside the back entrance of the night club. The music could be heard from 20 yards down the street, annoying every living being that had the misfortune of being able to hear.

"Seriously, does it have to be so loud?" Maggie mumbled as she slipped her arms into the jacket she had borrowed and jumped the small step out of the jeep. Stiles smirked at her slightly as Scott began to panic. She followed his gaze, only to be met by her cousin laughing with the boy she undoubtedly did not trust. "What is she doing with Matt?"
"No. Not here, not now!" he said before running off towards them.

"What? Scott! What am i supposed to - plan officially sucks." Stiles yelled as he slammed his car door shut, spun the lid off the jar and tipped some mountain ash into the palm of his hands. "So what? I just spread this in a line around the building?"

"Yeah I guess" Maggie sighed as she began to empty the jar onto the pavement beneath them. "Are you okay? You didn't say much on the car ride over"

Stiles stopped pouring for a moment before he turned his soft eyes towards her and began to speak "Yeah, it's nothing"
"Okay" Maggie sighed, knowing full well that her friend was lying to her. She watched carefully as the last few grains fell from his palms leaving the line a small portion short of complete. "Stiles we have a problem"

Stiles began to panic as he grabbed his phone out the pocket in his jeans and brought it hastily towards his ear "Scott, pick up. Pick up now. Look, I got, like, 50 feet of ash left, and I'm out. Okay? So you got to get your wolf ass down here to help me because I don't know what to do" he yelled down the small device "I'm standing here like a frickin' idiot, with a handful of magic fairy dust. And I don't have enough. Okay? "

"Stiles?" Maggie asked quietly as she watched him walk slowly towards her "Just imagine it working"

Silence fell, completely welcome, in the air as he closed his eyes and slowly walked in her direction. She watched his chest rise and fall as the small particles slipped from his grasp and slowly completed the circle around the building. He let go of the breath he was holding as he stopped one inch in front of her and opened one eye slowly.

"YES! " he yelled, grabbing Maggie by the waist and spinning her around triumphantly as he noticed the complete circle. She let out a small laugh as he allowed her body to slide down his, letting her feet come into contact with the ground before he smiled at her admiringly. His eyes, not for the first time, flicked between her lips and her eyes as he contemplated doing the thing he had longed to do. Carefully, he lent in towards her. His chest was pounding and his hands began to shake as he brought one up to her cheek and brushed the side of his thumb against her delicate skin. He counted the colours in her eyes as she stared back into his in return and began to close the short distance between them. Both their eyes drifted shut as Stiles closed the gap between them and brushed his soft lips against hers. Maggie placed her hands on his shoulders as she partially opened her mouth as connected their lips together, allowing them both to have one moment of passion before the screams of the Kanima filled the night air.

Am I in Stile? - Stiles Silinski (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now