Chapter 35

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Her fangs hung from her gums, saliva dripping to the floor as she stared at her grandfather. The golden color of her eyes dug into his core as he took in the girl before him. His beautiful granddaughter had died. She had died on the cell block floor of Beacon Hills police department. Her blood still stained the cold concrete. The crimson clothes she had worn were stuffed into a bag and burned in her absence. Her bedroom had been packed away. Everything she had owned had been tossed out, along with any grief they had. This girl stood in front of him, was most definitely not his granddaughter.

"Suprise – asshole" she spat, diving towards the elderly gentleman and aiming to suffocate him with her claws. Her coat flew behind her as she moved, leaving a bright red cape to following behind. She landed in the place Gerard had previously stood, her feet and hands both in contact with the cold floor as she steadied herself. "Where the hell did he go?"

"I don't know" Isaac stated, pushing himself away from the ceramic sinc he had been pressed up against and gripping the sleeve of Maggie's coat. "We need to find Scott"

He pulled her by the fabric of her coat, a sense of urgency running through his veins as they raced back towards the Lacrosse game. Each corridor seemed to be a mile long and it wasn't until they reached the end of the hallway that they realized the lights were out. Maggie furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion as she slammed down the emergency exit bar and pushed open the door of the gym. As the metal opening slammed shut behind them the spotlights aimed at the field turned back on, landing on the unconscious body of a student in the center of the pitch.

"Oh my – Stiles – Where's Stiles?" she breathed, darting through the crowds of panicking people. Flashes of color span past her as every parent, student and teacher hurried to find their loved ones.

"Scott!" Isaac yelled, pushing a student out of the way and forcing his way towards his friend.

"What happened?" Maggie asked as she repeatedly got knocked and barged into.

"It's Jackson – I think h-"

"Is Stiles okay?"

"I don't think – I – I think so"

Lydia ran past the three wolves and towards the body of her boyfriend. His body had already began to go cold and his eyes remained closed as she crouched next to him and began to cry hysterically. Her fingers brushed against his forehead as she pulled his body onto her lap and watched him die

Maggie wasn't normally one for girly friendships but seeing her cousins friend falling to pieces was enough to encourage a little sympathy. She moved closer towards the red head and knelt down next to her, her right hand on her shoulder as she attempted to console her "Lydia – I'm so sorry"

She just repeated his name. Over and over as he stopped breathing. "Oh my god there's blood. There's blood"

Scott looked from Maggie to Isaac as they watched Lydia remove her hand from his stomach."He did it to himself"

"Maggie, Scott where'Stiles?" Sheriff Stilinsi asked as he ran across the filed."Stiles. Where's Stiles? Where – where's my son? Where the hell is my son?"

- - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stiles struggled under the grasp of his attacker. He thrashed his arms around and swung his legs as he tried to escape the tight hold.

"Let go of me!" he yelled under the hand that was placed across his mouth, blocking any air from entering his lungs. "Let me go!"

Multiple waves of pain shot throughout his body as he was pushed forward. The flight of stairs beneath him made contact with every limb as he bounced from one step to the other. With each step came another crack. Another groan. To Stiles, making his way down that staircase took longer then getting his head around the fact that his best friend was a werewolf.

When he finally hit the concrete floor he opened his eyes, only to see Erica and Boyd hanging from the ceiling. "Holy Sh - "

He made his way towards them, holding his arms out in front of him as he reached for the ropes. The two restrained wolves shook their heads at him frantically before the tips of his fingers made contact with the ropes, shocking his fingers before he yelped and backed away.

"They were trying to warn you" Gerard laughed from the staircase "It's electrified"

"What are you doing with them?"

"At the moment, just keeping them comfortable. There's n point in torturing them, they won't give Derek up. The instinct to protect their alpha's too strong"

"Okay. So what are you doing with me? Because Scott and Maggie can find me, all right? They know my scent. It's pungent, you know? It's – it's more like a stench. They could find me even if i was at the bottom of a sewer covered in fecal matter and urine" Stiles rambled, hoping that what he was saying was true.

"You have a knack for creating a vivid picture, Mr Stilinski. Let me paint of one of my own" Gerard said through gritted teeth "Maggie Argent finds her boyfriend -"

"Actually, we're not offic-"

"Bloodied and beaten to a pulp. How does that sound?"

"I think I might prefer fore of a still life or landscape, you know?" he stated before Gerard angrily marched towards the teenager "Look, you're like 90? I can probably kick your ass up and down this room"

Without warning Gerard raised his fist and connected it with Stiles' left eye.

I re-wrote this chapter about four times so I really hope that you like it!

- Al

Am I in Stile? - Stiles Silinski (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now