Chapter 25

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She could hear her heartbeat in her ears. Her eyes were fixated on the gun in front of her, the barrel only an inch away from her forehead. The palms of her hands were covered in sweat and for the first time in her life, Maggie was afraid. No matter how much Stiles had tried to protect her, nothing could prepare either of them for certain death.

Mr Stilinski stood behind his desk, one arm outstretched in front of him, urging the teenage boy to lower his weapon.

"Matt?" He started "It is Matt right?"

The Sheriff never once took his eyes of the girl that he once thought was unbreakable because now she stood shaking a mere meter in front of him and her life was in his hands. "Whatever is going on, I guarantee you there is a solution that doesn't involve a gun"

"You know its funny" Matt chuckled pushing the gun towards Maggie's skin and smirking at the Sheriff "Because I don't think you know just how right you are"

"Mat-" Maggie breathed, attempting to plead for the life she was now extremely grateful for.

"Shut up!"

"I know you don't want to hurt people Matt" she trembled, her shaking hands clenched at her side.

"Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people. You four weren't originally on my list but I think I could be persuaded" he stated, anger spilling out of his mouth "And one way it so try dialing someone on a phone, just like McCall is doing right now!"

Scott sharply pulled his hand out of his pocket in a panic.

"Phones" he snapped, gesturing towards the Sheriffs desk "Now!"

Before Maggie had the chance to move towards the table, sharp nails gripped her forearm, digging slightly into her skin as she was forced to remain at her captures side. A small whimper escaped her mouth as the end of the gun made contact with her temple. The cold metal slide across her skin, sending a shiver down her spine. Out of the corner of his eyes Stiles saw the fear on her face. He took a sharp step forward, his fists clenched before the weapon changed direction and aimed towards him.

"Stiles don't!" Maggie warned, the grip on her arm tightening.

"I swear to god if you hurt her i'll-"

"What?" Matt yelled "You'll do what Stiles?"

"Son" she Sheriff said, scared for the life of his teenage boy as he shook his head 'no'.

"Give him your handcuffs" Matt demanded, staring at the man in uniform "Now"

Mr Stilinski tossed the metal restraints to Stiles who dropped them to the floor with a clatter before stumbling to retrieve them.

"Good, now tie your dad to the bar"

Stiles glared at his father, now scared of losing the only parent he had left.

"Do what he says Stiles" Mr Stilinski directed, moving closer towards the metal bar attached to the wall.

"What, you gonna kill everyone here?" Maggie asked, fear dripping from every word.

"No" Matt scoffed "Thats what Jackson's for. I just think about killing him and he does it"

Once satisfied the Sheriff was tightly tethered Matt forced all three teenagers to the front of the station, the gun constantly pressed against the skin between Maggie's shoulder-blades.

Bright lights tore their way through the blinds, followed by the slam of a car door allowing the captive teenagers to hang on to a glimmer of hope.

"Sounds like your mother's here McCall" Matt Smirked, mischief lurking on his deceitful face. "Open it" he demanded, gesturing towards the doors.

"Matt please" Scott spoke for the first time.

"If you don't move now - I'll kill your mom and then Maggie!" he screamed, his sharp voice darting off the walls around them as the gun made contact with Maggie's head, turning the skin above her eye a sickly shade of red.


"Back the hell of Stiles!" Matt boomed "Open the door McCall!"

Scott reached for the handle of the door in front of him, twisting it cautiously and pulling it open. Derek stood in front of him, eyes wide as he saw the gun in the disturbed teenagers hand.

"Oh thank god!" Scott sighed before Derek dropped to the floor, a scratch mark displayed on the back of his neck and Jackson stood behind him. 

Am I in Stile? - Stiles Silinski (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now