Chapter 33

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Maggie sat a few rows behind Scott and Stiles, her body wrapped in a padded jacket and a bobble hat, patiently waiting for the game to begin and finish. Being a wolf now, she didn't have any place in her family, hell, her grandfather would ensure everyone pretended she didn't exist and every time Allison looked at her she wished her mother stood in Maggie's place. Never before has an Argent became a werewolf, and if she were to continue down this patch, she couldn't be an Argent.

Scott and Stiles sat on the bench, a few foot in front of the lacrosse field. Their equipment lay next to them on the floor, bat and helmet at the ready in case they were needed at any point during the game. Stiles elbows rested in his knees, his hands linked together as he remained stuck in deep thought, he just couldn't seem to rest his mind.

"Scott" he sighed "It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?"

"Looks like it" Scott mumbled in return, frowning towards his best friend as they readied themselves for what they expected to be the most dangerous game of the season. Not just because it was a contact sport but because Gerard stood at the other end of the field, Kanima at the ready.

"Scott, the other night, seeing Maggie get shot by Matt. She died and, you know, I'm just lying there and I can't even move. It just – I want to help, you know, but I can't do the things that you can so. I can't - "

"It's okay, Stiles" Scott said placing a hand on his best friends shoulder.

Maggie heard the entire conversation. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop but her new found abilities were too much for her to control so she found herself listening, as the boy she loved cried over his inability to save her. She found herself crying with him, her soft skin slowly being coated with salty tears.

In an attempt to distract herself she turned her attention towards the field as Stiles's darted towards the center, his bat held tightly in his right fist. She could hear his heart racing from her place in the bleachers yet he seemed more excited than nervous.

"Oh my god, I'm in the game" he mumbled to himself as he pulled his helmet down onto his head and prepared himself to catch the ball. Maggie smirked at him as she gnawed on the sleeve of her coat.

The coach raised his right hand and brought his whistle up to his lips, before blowing deeply and releasing a sharp squeak into the air.

For the first ten minute of the game Stiles fumbled, never catching the ball once as he tripped over his own feet. He was a complete mess, in his own adorable way and Maggie couldn't help but smile at how lucky she was. She may not have a family anymore, but at least she had his love.

With a smirk on her face she jumped down the bleachers and sat next to Scott, who waited at the sidelines, aggravation fueling his body.

"We have a problem" he mumbled, maintaining focus on the match in front of him as he avoided the gaze of Gerard.

"I know - I can see him. What do we do?"

"He's gonna kill someone, if we don't give him Derek"

"So give him Derek"

"Maggie, I can't just hand over Derek - Hes a friend - Kinda" Scott said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Then what the hell are we gonna do Scott?" she whispered, her voice slightly more raised than normal as she ground her teeth together "We can't let him hurt someone"

"I know Mags, I know" he sighed as a flash of purple flew in front of them and Isaac landed on the bench next to her. He grinned at Maggie, his teeth showing slightly as his cheeks reddened slightly at her gaze.

"You came back?" she breathed, surprised that he didn't leave with his fellow wolf pack members.

"I came to win" 

What do you guys think of this chapter?

I low key love how much she adores Stiles.

- Al

Am I in Stile? - Stiles Silinski (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now