Chapter Ten

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Ethan's POV

I didn't even notice that Emma already woke up and left the room until the smell of pancakes wafted upstairs, and my hungry stomach woke me up.

I trotted downstairs to see Emma flipping a pancake, she was wearing a tank top with some leggings, and a cute little apron.

Her hair was in the cutest little messy bun, and the breakfast she was making smelled amazing.

I earned a smile from her as she saw me walking into the kitchen, and I hugged her from behind as she flipped the final pancake.

"You look cute today."

"Want some pancakes?" She asked, smiling at me.

She put the two pancakes that were still cooking on the stack next to the stove, and she moved the plate of them to the table, where there were two plates set up with glasses of orange juice and some bacon for the side.

"You made all of this?"


"When did you get all of the ingredients? I couldn't have been asleep that long?" I asked.

She smiled.

"My uncle brought everything this morning. You were out like a light, so I decided to surprise you with breakfast."

I pulled her into my arms and lifted her in a spinning hug.

"Thank you, babe."

Her arms were around my shoulders as I held her up, and she pressed her lips to mine.

"Let's eat."

I set her down, and went to the other side of the table, Emma putting three pancakes on my plate, and two on hers.

Emma's pancakes were probably my favorite pancakes that anyone has ever made for me.

They had a sweetness to them, and she would always put a little bit of cinnamon in them. She never told me what the secret ingredient was, and she never let me watch her mix it together, so I never knew what it was.

But I can tell you that it was spectacular.

The first time I ever tried them, I just about cried.

"Emma, these are the best pancakes I have ever tasted, and I just fell waaaaay more in love with you." I said, shoving another bite in my mouth.

"I'm glad you like them." She responded as she smiled back at me.

"If there's ever a night when you're not in the mood" I said, my mouth full of the delicious pancakes. "just make me these pancakes and I'll be satisfied."

She laughed, taking a sip of her Orange Juice.

"I'll make these pancakes whenever you want, babe."

"I fucking love you, girl."

And that's how she earned a new nickname.

"I love you too, my darling." She said.

We laughed and finished the pancakes, well, I ate two more after that, and I helped her clean the dishes.

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