Chapter 1

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FYI: In this fanfic, San is ATEEZ ( he's a solo artist and the songs he wrote are ATEEZ songs). The reasoning is because most of the members work with Namjoon or are a different significant role in the story!  I love and appreciate every member and all of their hard work and it is just for the sake of the storyline. Hope you enjoy the book :)


Quiet wasn't exactly what Namjoon's studio could be called. Being a professional photographer is hard when you are a single father of a 2-year-old and 1-year-old who was always excited by props and anything else they could get their hands on. 

There was an occasional shout for Appa by his kids. Having all the equipment that costs thousands of dollars was a huge risk but Namjoon somehow figured out how to keep the boys out of the way.

Currently, Yoongi and Hoseok were crashed out on the playmat kept in the corner of the studio. This was a lucky break for the photographer since he was on an important phone call about a new client. Once he heard shuffling around namjoon looked over to see his 2 year old awake with a pout and reaching up for him. 

"Appa!" Namjoon picked him up and quietly sat him on his lap as yoongi laid back on his father's chest.

 "I will get that scheduled right away sir thank you" the phone call ended as Namjoon quickly wrote in his calendar and typed on his computer. 

"Okay now that Appa has all of that sorted out," he said adjusting the boy in his lap. 

While gently playing with the boy's hair, he smiled and hummed while preparing for the clients he had that day. As he was finishing up he heard a slight sniffle, following the sound namjoon saw his 1-year-old, Hoseok with tears in his eyes.

 "Aw what's the matter Hobi" Namjoon cooed as he gently laid yoongi on the blanket and picked up hobi gently bouncing him.

 It was 7:30 am so he expected his kids to be upset. Hobi started to calm down as Namjoon gently wiped away his tears, his little figure still clinging to him. 

After getting both of his boys to sleep Namjoon noticed the time 8:03 am his first client was expected at 9:15. The tired photographer took this opportunity and got some coffee from the small kitchen area next to his room.

// time skip//

By 9 am the studio was set up, the boys were changed and content with their toys. After testing the camera a few times and noting it was ready. Namjoon went to his desk and sat down, watching his kids play. 

Hobi was playing with his stuffed animals while yoongi colored. Little giggles could be heard by hobi. Namjoon always called him his sunshine, because wherever he went his showed his heart-shaped smile that would light up the room. 

Then there was his little sugar or Suga according to Yoongi. Suga became the little one's nickname based off of one of Namjoons favorite memories with him, teaching him how to speak.

"Can you say Appa yoongi? Say Appa" Namjoon cooed at his baby. 

Yoongi just tilted his head confused. 

"you can do it, baby, appa"namjoon tried again after another blank expression from the baby he sighed.

 "We can try again later," he said picking up yoongi and placing him on his hip and entering the kitchen. 

He began making coffee while preparing food for both himself and his baby. Once the coffee was ready Namjoon reached the canister of sugar.

"I think a little cream and sugar will make this coffee nice and sweet" he muttered to himself.

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