Chapter 20

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Party guests started arriving and were ushered to the backyard where everything was set up.

"Hey, Namjoon! How have you been?" asked Seonghwa as he walked in with one arm around Hongjoongs waist.

"I've been great! It's so good to see you after a bit " He replied as the couple was shown to where the party was.

There were only a few guests so far, but it was fairly early. Yoongi and Hoseok were playing outside while the twins and Felix were sat on a blanket watching everyone walk by.

Changbin was greeting everyone and occasionally checking on the kids. He noticed they all looked bored with the toys on their blanket. Then an idea popped into his head. 

"You guys haven't met the twins or my son correct?" He asked Seonghwa and Hongjoong.

"I have heard about them, your son's name is Felix right?" Hongjoong answered.

"Yep, my little Felix! They seem bored on their blanket, would you like to meet them?" The couple nodded and were instantly ushered over to the blanket.

Changbin scooped up Felix and hugged him tightly. "Hello my sweet boy, you boys look bored." He said as he ruffled their hair.

Felix giggled and looked up at Seonghwa and Hongjoong while sucking on his pacifier. Seonghwa was the first to move close to all of them.

"Hey sweetheart, you can call me Hwa," He said while stroking Felix's soft hair. Felix smiled and leaned into his touch.

"wow, he really likes that, this is Jimin and this is Taehyung" Changbin gestured to the two boys that remained on the blanket.

While Changbin was introducing the kids, Namjoon was still welcoming everyone while Jin made sure everything was accounted for. Namjoon smiled as he saw Hoseok run to him, holding onto his pant leg.

"Hello, sunshine why arent you with bubba?" He asked and he played with Hoseoks hair. 

"Wan appa" Responded Hoseok as he reached up.

Namjoon complied and picked him up, kissing his cheek. Hoseok had times when he wanted to just be held, he figured it was because of the number of guests that looked like strangers to him.

"Woo woo!" Namjoon was snapped out of his thoughts, he looked over to see Wooyoung walking up, holding San's hand.

"Welcome Wooyoung, San, so when were you going to tell me that my apprentice and my client were dating?" Namjoon asked towards Wooyoung. 

Wooyoung laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. Recently Wooyoung and San had been talking and seeing each other a lot. He never really spoke about the relationship to protect privacy on San's end since he is an idol and he wanted to avoid publicity.

"Yeah about that, we've just been quiet about it for San's sake" Wooyoung explained.  "I also brought a host gift,"  he brought out a few bottles of vodka. He put the second bottle down, indicating it was also for the party.

"Thank you, you didn't have to, go ahead and enjoy the party " Said Namjoon as the couple walked inside.

After most of the guests arrived Namjoon had joined the party. He felt a pair of arms go around his waist and swayed. 

"Hi, Jinnie" He chuckled and kissed Jin's cheek. Jin smiled and put his chin on Namjoons shoulder.

"Hi Joonie, your friends are really nice, I invited two people but I'm not sure if they'll come since they'd have to catch a plane and they speak English," Said Jin as he kept steadily swaying, making Hoseok tart to fall asleep in Namjoons arms.

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