Chapter 17

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Once they arrived at the hospital, Jin took the babies inside while Namjoon came in behind with Hoseok and Yoongi.

Jin sat down in the waiting room with Namjoon and the boys with a paper in his hand, reading intensely. 

"Whatcha got there baby?" asked Namjoon.

"This was in the baskets it has all the information about the babies, they're twins named Taehyung, and Jimin, they're both almost a year old," Said Jin as he read the paper.

When will they turn a year old then?" Asked Namjoon.

Jin looked up " December 30th" the couple looked at each other before realizing just how close their first birthday was.

"Can they tell us anything else about them?" asked Namjoon as he tried to see the paper.

Jin ran a hand through his hair "I don't know, they can tell us which one is which but since we found them I'm not sure about anything." Jin was on the verge of a breakdown.

Namjoon took the paper and began to read it. "It says the mother couldn't take care of them and the father is unknown. We saved them we can't just let them go to some adoption center."

Jin looked up from his hands, "are you saying you want to adopt them?" he asked softly.

Namjoon nodded and placed a hand securely in Jins, " only if you want to Jin, my two boys are a handful alone but these were kids we saved baby, I believe in us."

Jin smiled and squeezed his hand, "let's see if we can bring them home."

In the end, Namjoon took the kids home and explain the events to Changbin after a few hours while Jin stayed and talked to the police and doctors.

When Namjoon returned Jin was smiling wide with papers in his hands, they were able to adopt them. Once the paperwork was done, they were able to see the twins. The doctors had gotten their bodies to a normal temperature so the couple was able to see them.

"They're ours now" whispered Jin as he smiled down at their new babies. 

Namjoon smiled, "they really are ours."

After a few days, the couple was able to take the two home. They got to decorate the tree and introduce the boys to their new brothers.

"How are the boys going to react to them?" Asked Namjoon as he drove home.

"They'll love them! They loved Felix so I'm sure they will love the twins, we already love them"Said Jin as he sat in the back to keep an eye on them.

-- Home --

"This is Taehyung sweetheart" Introduced Namjoon as Yoongi sat in his lap to look at the new family member.

"Hi TaeTae," said Yoongi as he booped his nose gently. Jimin was in Jin's arms as he was being introduced to Hoseok.

"New bubba!" He giggled as Jin let Hoseok look closer at the baby bundled up in blankets.

"That's right honey, good job! This is your new bubba" Cheered Jin.

"New papa!" Jin looked at Hoseok with wide eyes. He was completely caught off guard.

"What was that sweetie?" he asked to confirm.

"New papa!" He yelled again as he laid his head on Jin's leg with wide eyes and his heart-shaped smile.

Jin smiled and almost teared up, "yes honey, I'm your new papa," He said as he ruffled Hoseoks hair.

"Tomorrow is Christmas eve and you guys got two new kids, its crazy" Commented Changbin.

"Definitely a crazy Christmas and it's not even Christmas," said Namjoon as he rocked both of the kids in his lap who were falling asleep.

The night of Christmas Eve Namjoon had somehow gotten presents for everyone secretly and was now trying to get Yoongi in bed.

"Yoongi if you stay up all night Santa won't come, don't you want him to have his cookies and milk and leave you presents?" asked Namjoon.

Yoongis eyes went wide and he quickly grabbed Namjoons hand. 

"We gos to be now! Santa gotta come!" he said as he climbed into bed with the help of Namjoon.

Namjoon chuckled and got Yoongi to sleep as he went to bed after checking on everyone before setting up and going to sleep.

-- Next morning --

Christmas morning Namjoon and Jin were woken up by Yoongi jumping on the bed to wake them up "Appa! Jinnie! Santa come!" He yelled as he tried to drag the couple out of bed.

Eventually, everyone including the twins was up and in the living room to see the presents.

Changbin sat on the floor with Felix in his lap as he watched everyone open up presents.

Yoongi and Hoseok had gotten plenty of toys, Namjoon got a few things for both Felix and Changbin, he also got Jin a few things and asked him to move in with him.

At the end of it all, it was one of the best Christmas' Namjoon ever had. He didn't care about the presents, 

He got two new kids and had his family all in one room during the most wonderful time of the year.


Writing a Christmas chapter in April. How iconic but I planned to make the story this way. I hope it's okay? sorry if its a super short chapter its 3:30 AM and I really wanted to get this chapter out soooo i really hope you are enjoying it. Thank you for all of the love that's being shown to the book it's really appreciated!!

DMs are always open

love yall


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