Chapter 15

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The next morning was a nightmare. Felix work up crying, which sent Changbin into a panic causing Namjoon to wake up.

He walked into the guest bedroom and had to hold back a laugh. Changbin was trying to shush Felix by rocking him which only made him scream louder. Why is this funny you may ask?
Changbin was screaming back only slightly louder.

Namjoon decided to step in before he would have more screaming children. "Changbin, yelling at him won't calm him down" He said as he gently calmed him down.

"That's how I calmed down Hobi when he would yell at my house" Changbin mumbled but Namjoon caught it.

He blinked twice to make sure he heard that right. Hoseok liked to have screaming matches with Yoongi, that explained everything.

"Gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Anyway I'm sure it's something small like he needs to be changed or he's hungry" Said Namjoon as he handed a now calm Felix back to Changbin.

Changbin nodded and kept rocking him while Namjoon helped change him.

Soon Jin walked in holding Hoseok who was rubbing his eyes with his little fists. "Appa! I up!" He said as he laid his head back on Jin's shoulder.

"I see that sunshine! Thanks for getting him Jin "said Namjoon as he pecked Jin's cheek.

Jin smiled, " No problem, hes such a cute little guy. "

Hoseok melted everyone's hearts in an instant.

Soon walked in a grumpy Yoongi with his koala in hand.

"Shhh! I sleepy! " He yelled.

Everyone turned around with wide eyes.

Namjoon was about to say something but all hell broke loose.

Hoseok began a screaming match with Yoongi which caused Felix to join in.

Changbin soon joined as he was screaming to calm down while Namjoon rubbed his temples.

"ENOUGH" boomed Namjoons voice causing everyone to quiet down in a instant.

He sighed "it's too early for this, come on Yoongi let's get you back to bed" He rubbed his eyes and lead him back to the toddlers bedroom.

After Yoongi was put back to sleep Namjoon walked into a sight that melted his heart.

Hoseok was sitting on the floor with Felix trying to show him all of his toys.

He smiled and walked in taking a seat next to Jin on the couch.

Jin smiled and laid his head on his shoulder. "World War 3 asleep? " He asked quietly not looking up from the scene before them.

"Thankfully" He said quietly.

Hoseok looked up at the sound of his appas voice.

"Appa new Bubba! " He said while he pointed at Felix.

Namjoon was dying of cuteness. "I see sunshine, but that's not your new Bubba" He said smiling away.

Hoseok only tilted his head in confusion "not Bubba? " He asked.

"No sunshine, that's your cousin" He said as he started to play with Jin's hair.

Hoseok nodded and giggled "lix! "

Changbin only chuckled. "Yep close enough hobster" He said ruffling Hoseoks hair.

Hoseok pouted, "No touch hair! " He giggled.

"Alright I'm going to make some breakfast" Namjoon began to get up, followed by Jin.

"Jinnie baby I can do it " He said trying to persuade him to sit back down.

But Jin was stubborn. "I'll tell endless dad jokes if you don't let me help, I'm sure you'll like them tho they're le'Jin'dary" Jin bursted into his windshield wiper laugh.

"JIN THE DOOR IS OVER HERE" yelled changbin.

Jin didn't care he was doubled over laughing.

Namjoon only stood there facepalming.

Namjoon knew Jin would run out of jokes at some point.

"I always look at my blood donor ID when I'm sad"

"Jin, please explain"

"Because it always says B poSITIVE" The windshiled laugh returned.

"Ya know what, have fun cooking breakfast" Namjoon tried not to laugh.

He turned to Jin, kissed him, and went back to the living room to watch the 'hobi and Felix show'.

Jin smiled in triumph and began making breakfast.

// time skip //

By the time breakfast was ready Yoongi was awake and in a better mood.

They all gathered at the table, Felix sitting in Hoseoks high chair while he sat in Namjoons lap and was being fed.

After cleaning up Namjoon got the boys dressed while Changbin dressed Felix in the few clothes that was left with him.

"You want to get a Christmas tree today? Christmas is in 5 days." Asked Jin as he washed dishes with Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded. "Sounds good, we should go in about an hour" He said drying off his hands.

Hello! How are you all? I recently celebrated my birthday which is why there hasn't been a recent update but thank you for some much support!! I can't believe in #26 for NAMJIN! That's incredible!
If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to tell me

Love y'all!


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